Walnut Creek CDROM Windows programming

Index of /win/progr/

Windows programming

1469728 02/22/95 Access Knowledge Base update for ver 2.0 (1/2).
952772 02/22/95 Access Knowledge Base update for ver 2.0 (2/2).
1286496 02/22/95 Microsoft Access version 2.0 service pack november 1994 disk 1/2.
681219 02/22/95 Microsoft Access version 2.0 service pack november 1994 disk 2/2.
55957 10/10/94 API Servant 1.01 --------------- Api Servant is an add-on utility for Microsoft Visual Basic.
47602 03/21/95 Bar Code Custom Control (VBX) BarCod makes bar code display really easy. Just pick the orientation, set the size, and pick the bar code style. Then, set the text to whatever you want the bars to be. Nothing else to do!
42506 03/21/95 List Box with Bitmaps Control (VBX) This control is a list box with bitmaps. The bitmaps can be placed on any side of the text (top, bottom, right, left).
31733 10/09/95 CalVBX - is a control that lets you add a calendar easily to any Visual Basic or Delphi project.
214168 09/01/94 CENVI FOR WINDOWS VERSION 1.009 C-interpreter/Windows-batch/macro tool- CEnvi gives the Windows professional a complete C-like environment, including the standard library and DLL calls, in an easy-to-use form and all in one 150K executable. Now 'C' is as easy to use as a batch file. Script almost any Windows tasks. Programming NOMBAS
32038 01/10/95 CLEANUP 1.0 VBX Design-Mode Tool Just drop this custom control into your project and automatically minimize the windows of every non-VB application running (except VBAssist). This Visual Basic Custom Control appends a Cleanup! menu item to VB's main menu, A VB programmer's dream come true.
269651 09/26/95 CODE.PRINT FOR VISUAL BASIC v2.23 - The ORIGINAL VB shareware source code printer. Father of Code.Print Pro. All the features you want in a code printer plus a new Win'95 style inferface. Used by thousands of VB programmers since 1992. From Caladonia Systems Inc., authors of ToolThings. Registration $42.00
28711 03/22/95 File Mgr Drag and Drop Control (VBX) Custom control (VBX) notifies you when a file has been dragged and dropped from the Windows File Manager (FILEMAN).
24668 03/22/95 High Resolution Timer (VBX) High resolution timer custom control for Visual Basic. Allows you to have timer events come in nearly every millisecond, as opposed to every 55 milliseconds with the normal Visual Basic Timer control.
192607 10/16/94 HelpGen Windows Help File Generator, Version 1.20. Create attractive Windows help files without using an expensive word processor. HelpGen uses an easy-to-learn macro language to take the pain out of creating the help file. Full RTF language support through macro language and/or RTF commands. Complete manual, examples, program included. Requires ASCII text editor and help compiler. Shareware - $30 registration.
51265 11/28/94 Joy Stick Custom Control (VBX) JoyStk gives joystick information (movement, buttons) for your programs. It supports two joysticks, one 4-button joystick or one 3-D joystick.
107231 11/30/94 JS3PAK - IniCon,PerCnt,DFInfo VBXs This package contains three custom controls: IniCon, PerCnt, and DFInfo. IniCon handles INI file access. PerCnt puts a percentage bar on your form (easy status bars!). DFInfo gets and sets various pieces of information concerning disks and files. Free control (SoundX) upon registration.
1038163 07/30/95 Liberty BASIC v1.2 for Windows! SHAREWARE! THE everyman's Windows programming tool!!!!! Find out why this software is a finalist in the 1995 Ziff Davis shareware awards! * Supports visual programming with FreeForm! * Easy to learn! College degree not needed! * Interactively program for Windows in BASIC! * Supports graphics - Easy to use debugger No TRON/TROFF nonsense - sample programs * Royalty free runtime engine available!!! * OS/2 native version also available * Only $35 reg. fee, includes runtime engine! Shoptalk Systems, carlg@world.std.com
35950 03/22/95 LED Custom Control (VBX) Visual Basic custom control that behaves like an LED. 3-D effects and colors are all user-definable.
34418 03/22/95 Menu Event Notification Control (VBX) MenuEv provides menu selection notification. In other words, it tells you when the user has selected a menu item. Useful for status bar-style help. MenuEv is really easy to use. All you need to do is place it on your form. Events start coming in automatically. MenuEv will even automatically update another control with the selected menu item's text.
30959 11/30/94 W4Wg Mailslot Control (VBX) Visual Basic custom control that makes mailslot use simple. No Windows API calls required. Requires Windows for Workgroups.
315033 10/09/94 Microworks Custom Control Object Library 1.03 (Jeff Franks; $0) provides a comprehensive set of 3-dimensional windows, dialogs and custom controls to use in application development. NEW - a new DLL, new object units, new objects and two updated sample applications.
219795 03/11/95 Norton Guides Clone for Windows. Source (Fivewin) included.
42138 11/28/94 Ctrl-Alt-Del Disabler Control (VBX) Allows the programmer to enable or disable Ctrl-Alt-Del from VB code. Free.
59744 09/26/95 PERSONAL COMMUNICATIONS LIBRARY FOR WINDOWS (PCL4W12.ZIP), August 95, Ver 1.2, . Async comm library supporting COM1-COM20 to 115,200 baud, 4+ ports concurrently, many dumb multiport boards, 16550 UART, interrupt driven, RTS/CTS flow control, any UART address using IRQ2 thru IRQ15. Requires Microsoft or Borland C Windows SDK. By MarshallSoft Computing, Inc. $65.
36603 03/22/95 Picture Button Custom Control (VBX) Custom control for Visual Basic is a command button that has both text and a picture on it. The picture can be scaled and placed above, below, to the right, or to the left of the text. The text may be multi-line.
54174 08/09/94 PRINTVB is a Visual Basic Print Program that formats and prints Visual Basic program source code listings Font type and font size are user selectable for the code, comments, header and title portions of your printout One or more individual procedures can be printed at users selection thereof Margin control, exclusion of form/control declarations, new page each procedure, and other features are also included MAK file print is configurable to print some or all.
38154 11/28/94 Rotated Label Custom Control (VBX) RoText lets you put a label on your form at any angle of rotation.
35378 11/28/94 Soundex and Metaphone Control (VBX) This control provides Soundex and Metaphone algorithms. Soundex and Metaphone convert words or names to codes that represent how they "sound". This can be really useful in a database application where users need to find names they may not know how to spell exactly.
193190 01/20/95 Two controls for Visual Basic that allow easy creation of button-bars and status-bars in any Visual Basic for Windows (version 3.0 or higher) application v1.45 (Embedded SubDirs).
39500 01/01/95 Visual BASIC FAQ for Nov. (17th) 1994.
240490 02/23/95 Visual Basic Knowledge Base (1/2).
1304015 03/06/95 Visual Basic Knowledge Base (2/2).
180547 08/27/94 Latest visual basic tips, windows helpfile format.
582186 09/15/94 VISUALIB global declarations for Visual Basic
933292 04/01/95 With Class is an object-oriented CASE (Computer Aided Software Engineering) tool.
149092 10/04/94 Windows Enahnced Dialog Library (WEDL) v2.02: a collection of C functions for MS Windows programmers that makes dialog data entry dramatically easier for both the programmer and the user; 07/22/92; Nemisoft, Inc.
840264 03/16/95 Wing v1.0 - Windows library that draws DIBs at max. speed.
421896 09/15/94 Windows Programmer's Journal Vol. 1 No. 8
40711 11/28/94 ZIP File Info Custom Control (VBX) This control lets you find out about the contents of a ZIP file. Access to this information is purely through properties.

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