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Why James K. Polk?

An Interview with Steve

August 25 The new edition of the book Texturing And Modeling: A Procedural Approach is out and available in bookstores and online. It's mostly for graphics programmers, and filled with all sorts of technical information about surface texturing. Coauthored by Steve Worley!

Last year, we claimed that we were going to change LightWave 3D. We started by releasing our Gaffer software. We've spent the year and a half since that successful release of Gaffer working on even more exciting tools. We're now proceeding on that promise to change LightWave!

We're pleased to announce that our latest effort is ready and now shipping! The James K. Polk Plugin Collection is a set of over twenty plugins for LightWave 3D. It includes a variety of powerful extensions to LightWave 3D, including motion, displacement, shader, pixel, and image plugins.

The Intel version of The James K. Polk Plugin Collection is only $199. The link will take you to many, many pages of information (including over 25 animations!) explaining the features of this tool.

We've also taken the time to update the look of our website. Many of the animations on the site use the new (very high quality) "Sorensen" compression available in the free QuickTime 3.0 package from Apple. You'll need to have QuickTime 3.0 installed to view these animations. If you don't have Quicktime, you can download it by clicking on the link.

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