InstallSHIELD Software Coporation (c) 1990-1997: SRCDIR SRCDISK TARGETDISK TARGETDIR WINDIR WINDISK WINSYSDIR WINSYSDISK ERRORFILENAME INFOFILENAME SUPPORTDIR CMDLINE ISVERSION SHARED UNINST ISRES ISUSER FOLDER_DESKTOP FOLDER_STARTMENU FOLDER_STARTUP PROGRAMFILES COMMONFILES MEDIA FOLDER_PROGRAMS SHELL_OBJECT_FOLDER2 LAST_RESULT CMDVALUE HINST_INSTALL BATCH_INSTALL LOGHANDLE _sdRECT right bottom _sdSIZE ISOSVERSIONINFO ISIOSVersionInfoSize ISIMajorVersion ISIMinorVersion ISIBuildNumber ISIPlatformId szISCSDVersion KERNEL32 GetVersionEx SelectObject GetTextExtentPoint EnableWindow GetClassName GetDC GetDlgItem GetFocus GetWindowLong GetWindowRect GetWindowWord IsIconic IsWindow IsWindowEnabled MoveWindow USER ReleaseDC SetFocus SetWindowText ShowWindow LoadString KERNEL GetModuleHandle GetClientRect SetWindowPos PostMessage ShowCursor SystemParametersInfo FindWindowEx juninstall ImportJWEBAccount 4.0.1276.1281 Program start JINSTALL_DEBUGR# c:\b# Cmdline: b -Browser( juninstall.dll AD Development( AD Demo( Copying demo user information \USER0000 Creating demo user dir b \DEMOUSER\USER0000 Copying demo files from b to $ \DEMOUSER% passwd.frma passwd.frm! \DEMOUSER? JUNO_FAIL_CLEANUP_DEMO_USER_DIRR JUNO_FAILED_COPY_DEMO_USER_PWR JUNO_FAILED_COPY_DEMO_USER_SYSR JUNO_FAILED_CREATE_DEMO_USER_DIRR already exists, deleting % DEMOUSER$ \DEMOUSER? JUNO_FAIL_CLEANUP_DEMO_USER_DIRR ShowDialogs Abort due to users with too many messages in folderY GetProductVersion Malformed version string b Failed to create product version list id Deleting old files from b jwlcc.dll jwidgets.dll wlcc.dll al10w16.dll jal10w16.dll widgets.dll sscedlg.dll sscewd.dll msvcrt.dll msvcirt.dll% junologo.bmp| JunoLogo.Bmp size is b Deleting old juno logo b junologo.bmp ProcessBeforeDataMove Got ProductVersion = b COMPANY_NAMER PRODUCT_NAMER PRODUCT_KEYR Uninst.isu UNINST_KEYR ERROR_UNINSTSETUPR UNINST_KEYR \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\b UninstallString2 juninstall.dllZ UNINST_KEYR \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\b UninstallStringA PRODUCT_KEYR UNINST_DISPLAY_NAMER GetWebComponentList asycfilt.dllA mfc42.dllA msvcirt.dllA msvcrt.dllA oleaut32.dllA olepro32.dllA rnaph.dllA stdole2.tlbA CompareFileVersion$ CompareFileVersion : b CompareFileVersion : Could not verify version of file b CompareFileVersion : Could not obtain version info for component file b in component $ HandleWebCase HandleWebCase : Setting up web components HandleWebCase : got b components to process HandleWebCase : processing component b jweb_b HandleWebCase : parsed component name is b HandleWebCase : Could not deselect component b HandleWebCase : Component b was deselected HandleWebCase : Including component b in build HandleWebCase : Failed to get next component in list HandleWebCase : Could not get first component HandleWebCase : 0 components in list MoveFileDataStdy MoveOneDataFile# File b exists Juno failed to initialize the file b Failed to initialize b MoveFileDataFloppy! data1.caba2 Please enter the disk 1 and press 'OK' when ready.! Could not move! setup.exe Please enter the disk 1 and press 'OK' when ready.a setup.exe MoveFileData! b User is Admin (running NT), User is NOT Admin (running NT)( Juno is having difficulty installing a copy of a necessary component on your machine. ab During installation, certain 'system' files need to be copied in order for Juno to run properly. $ These files may already exist on your machine but may be locked if other applications are accessing them, $ or if you do not have permission to overwrite these files. Please close any open applications and try installing Juno once again. If you continue to have difficulty, $ you may need administrative privileges to overwrite these files -- please contact your network administrator.* HandleMoveDataError ERROR_NO_DISK_SPACER ERROR_MOVEDATAR ERROR_COMPONENTR ERROR_FILEGROUPR ERROR_FILER TITLE_CAPTIONBARR HandleClientKey Could not create directory b client4.keya client4.key! Could not copy client4.key from 'b ' to lib directory client3.key client3.key does not exists Renaming client4.key to client3.keyx client4.keya client3.key! Could not rename client4.key to client3.key client3.key already exists Handle_n149sAd spool\get n149s.aaxa n149s.aax! Juno Setup could not copy n149s.aax from 'b ' to the appropriate directory.* Juno Setup could not create directory b Handle_junoPopupAdChanges spool\get pa22.aaxa pa22.aax! Juno Setup could not copy pa22.aax from 'b ' to the appropriate directory.* Juno Setup could not create directory b UpgradeComCtl& UPGRADEa COMCTL32_VERSIONR comctl32.dll No upgrade comctl32.dll Could not get version of comctl32.dll Could not retrieve comctl32.dll version Upgrade comctl32.dll& UPGRADEa COMCTL32R Could not get comctl32 upgrade file 40COMUPD.EXE UPGRADEa COMCTL32_COMMANDR Could not command line for comctl32 upgrade file /r:n /q:a Launching b Failed to launch upgrade for comctl32!, Rebooting for comctl32 upgrade! ProcessAfterDataMove JUNO.INI Found juno.ini inb Juno version is b Configurationa Juno Versionb Don't check for UART% JUNO.INIa Configurationa Check UARTa FALSE tos.txt Found alternate TOS file tos.txta tos.txt! Failed to copy alternate TOS file juninstall.dlla juninstall.dll! Failed to copy juninstall.dll PRODUCT_KEYR JUNO.INIa Configurationa Query Crash2 JUNO.INIa Configurationa Query Crasha SetupRegistry MyDeleteFolderIcon Deleting icon b MyDeleteProgramFolder Deleting folder b SetupFolders Juno Beta Juno Preview Release( Profiles\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Juno Beta Profiles\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Juno Preview Release Start Menu\Programs\Juno Beta Start Menu\Programs\Juno Preview Release SetupDUN! jsession.dll; IsNetworkingInstalled2 Attempting to install networking% jsession.dll; InstallNetworking2 Rebooting after InstallNetworking! jsession.dll; CheckLanServerAnnounceTime2 Rebooting after CheckLanServerAnnounceTime! CleanUpInstall" CheckForPrevInstallation JUNO.INIa Configurationa Root DirR JUNO_LOCATIONR PRODUCT_NAMER JUNO_LOCATIONR PRODUCT_NAMER JUNO_LOCATIONR PRODUCT_NAMER SetupInstall PRODUCT_NAMER No previous installation found, using b Previous installation found at b junosetup.ini PRODUCT_NAMER SetupScreen TITLE_CAPTIONBARR ishieldhead.bmp6 Couldn't place 256 color bitmap% ishieldtitle_16.bmp6 Couldn't place 16 color bitmap CheckRequirements! ERROR_VGARESOLUTIONR Abort due to bad VGA settingY Running windows NT! Running windows 95! DialogShowSdWelcome! JUNO_DEF_TITLER DialogShowSdAskDestPath! JUNO_DEF_TITLER JUNO_DIR_SELECT_MSGR Freespace on b is $ You have less than the a megabytes of space required to install Juno.$ Please select another drive or free some space on the current drive in order to continue.* Could not determine destination drive Install into b JUNO.EXE OldVer=b ,NewVer=$ 2.1.721.2A QUERY_INSTALL_OLD_JUNOR Abort due to cancel in AskDestPathY InstallBrowser" Juno will now install the browser you chose. Note that if you a? cancel the browser installation process before it is finished, $ you will need to restart your computer in order to use Juno.* DoIEInstall& SETUPR Do Install Internet ExplorerA DoNSInstall& NETSCAPEa SETUPR Do Install NetscapeA QueryBrowserInstall( DIALOG#1234a DIALOG#1234! DIALOG#1234 DIALOG#1234 YesNoBrowserInstall! DIALOG#1234a DIALOG#1234! DIALOG#1234 DIALOG#1234 ShowType2BrowserMsg/ ShowType3BrowserMsg/ DoBrowserSetup! World Wide Web Browser Installation JUNO_BROWSER_OK_MSGR MaybeInstallBrowser JUNO_SEARCH_FOR_BROWSER_MSGR JUNO_SEARCH_FOR_BROWSER_MSGR Found internet explorer b MIN_VERR MAX_VERR Found netscape version b Netscapea MIN_VERR Netscapea MAX_VERR Did not find netscape or internet explorer! Got Min Browser Version = b , Got Max Browser Version = $ Need to install browser! Recommend to install browser! Don't need to install browser! MaybeStartJunoInvisibly( Insufficient disk space to run juno invisibly Rebooting -- not running juno FinalStep Ad Demo Post Processing spool\get DEMO.AAX *.AAXa Juno Advertisement Disk JUNO_ADDEMO_MSGR *.AAXR JUNO_ADDEMO_MSG_FAILR *.AAXa Ad Dev Post Processing% JUNO.INIa Juno AdSys Configa Ad Developmenta New root dir is b JUNO.INIa Configurationa Root Dirb Registering JNWSRV.EXE% jnwsrv.exeZ DialogShowSdSelectFolder# FOLDER_NAMER FindJunoWindow! MaybeCloseJunoAd Found Juno Ad Dialog b Could not find Juno Ad Dialog b DisconnectClickThrough Juno Web ConnectionA Found Juno 1.49 ClickThrough Dialer Window!!t Failed to find Juno 1.49 ClickThrough Dialer Window!! ReverseFindJunoWindow! Microsoft Developer Studio( Exploring -( ForwardFindJunoWindow! Microsoft Developer Studio( Exploring -( IsJunoRunning Juno - A - JunoA Welcome to JunoA Juno 16bit is active Juno 32bit is active Juno welcome window is active ForceUserToShutDownJuno juninstall.dll JUNO.EXE IsProcessRunningNT2 IsProcessRunning9x2 enumprocess failed Juno is running; Juno Installation$ Please close Juno before proceeding with Juno Setup. To a6 access Juno, hold down the 'Alt' key then press 'Tab' $ repeatedly until the Juno icon is selected.* Juno is not running! ShutdownJuno Juno Gold Juno Web Juno Beta Test Juno - A Found Juno 1.49 Window!!t Failed to find Juno Window!! SetupJunoToRestartAfterBoot /AfterReboot /skip /initads% juno.exe: JunoRebootb Added juno.exe /AfterReboot to the startup group, Failed to add juno.exe /AfterReboot to the startup group StartJuno% juno.exeZ starting juno invisibly /initads /skipA failed to launchandwait juno invisibly starting juno failed to launch juno DialogShowSdDefaultMailReader! \SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorera Version2 \SOFTWARE\Clients\Maila Juno( Default Email Handler Dialog failedA jcore.dll InstallShieldHookSetJunoDefaultMailClient2 JUNO.INI% Configurationa Default Mail Applicationa TRUE, JUNO.INI% Configurationa Default Mail Applicationa FALSE DialogShowSdFinishReboot JUNO_FINISH_MSG_SINGULARR JUNO_SHORTCUT_ON_DESKTOPR juno.exeZ Finish - No ReBoot! Start Juno JUNO_FINISH_MSG_PLURALR JUNO_FINISH_MSG_FORCDROMR JUNO_DONE_WEB_NOBOOTR Adding b icon to the desktop. Juno: Junob Could not create desktop icon JUNO_DONE_INSTALL_WITH_SHORTCUTR JUNO_DONE_INSTALL_WITHOUT_SHORTCUTR Finish - ReBoot (option)( JUNO_DONE_REBOOT_NOWR JUNO_DONE_REBOOT_NOWR DialogShowSdStartCopy! JUNO_DEF_TITLER JUNO_START_COPY_MSGR GetExtCmdLine Browser type is b \shell\open\command Browser command is b .exe! does not have an application associated with it. file extension is not registered. IsIE/ iexplore.exe! IsNS/ netscape.exe! GetDefaultBrowser .htmlR .htmR No default browser found on this machine/ CheckPreviousInstallation! lib\juno.ini& Configurationa Juno VersionR Juno 1( WaitForAWhile user( juno.ini& UserInfoa UserR director.frm! BadUsersDlg Juno cannot upgrade you to a newer version at this time because some accounts in aP this installation have one or more mail folders containing over 1000 messages. $ Delete or move some of the messages using your existing version of Juno and restart $ the installation process.* Dialog failedA BadUsersDlgA Could not set listA IsLargeFolderFile! From ! edit( SETUPSTR862R Disk Space0 temp.txt temp.txt In function '%s': Unable to create dialog. Make sure the _ISRES.DLL is in _SYS.CAB. Errorb _sdSIZEa %s-%ldb \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion, \Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion, USER! RegisteredOwner2 RegisteredOrganization2 ISIOSVersionInfoSizeA szISCSDVersion2 SdAskDestPath! ResultA szDirA SdAskDestPath! szDirA ResultA SdWelcome! ResultA SdWelcome! ResultA SdShowMsg! SdShowMsg/ _sdRECTa _sdRECTa bottom2 SdStartCopy! ResultA ResultA SdFinishReboot! ResultA BootOptionA ResultA BootOptionA ResultA ResultA BootOptionA SdFinish! ResultA bOpt1A bOpt2A ResultA bOpt1A bOpt2A 5.00.000