═══ 1. [i] Title Page ═══ ═══ 2. [ii] DISCLAIMER ═══ This program is to aid the public in playing the game DOOM, by id Software, under OS/2 2.1. In no way should this promote your killing yourself, killing others, or killing in any other fashion. Additionally, Kevin Royalty hereby disclaims ANY responsibility regarding ANY illegal activity concerning this program, or indirectly related to this program. The information contained in this program and it's accompanying documentation, only reflects id Software indirectly, and questioning id Software regarding any information in this file is not recommended. ═══ 3. [iii] COPYRIGHT/LICENSE AGREEMENT ═══ INSTALLATION OF "DOOM LAUNCHER!" ON YOUR COMPUTER SYSTEM IMPLIES AGREEMENT WITH THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS BELOW. DISTRIBUTION OF "DOOM LAUNCHER!", ITS ACCOMPANYING PROGRAMS AND DOCUMENTATION, IS CONSIDERED AS IS. KEVIN ROYALTY OFFERS NO WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. THIS INCLUDES, BUT IS IN NO WAY LIMITED TO, WARRANTIES OF "DOOM LAUNCHER!"'S MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES WILL KEVIN ROYALTY BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHICH RESULT FROM THE USE OF THIS PROGRAM OR THE INABILITY TO USE IT. EXCLUSION FROM LIABILITY INCLUDES, BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO, LOST PROFITS, LOST SAVINGS, OR ANY OTHER INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. You may NOT distribute "DOOM Launcher!" by any non-electronic media, including but not limited to books, newsletters, magazines, manuals, catalogs, and speech. You may NOT distribute this work in electronic magazines, or within computer software without prior written explicit permission. These rights are temporary and revocable upon written, oral, or other notice by Kevin Royalty. This copyright notice shall be governed by the laws of the state of Ohio. "DOOM Launcher!" is distributed as Shareware. It is not free, freeware, or in the public domain. You may use "DOOM Launcher!" for a trial period of thirty days, at no cost to you, to determine if it fits your needs. If you decide to use "DOOM Launcher!" regularly, you are expected to register it and pay the applicable registration fee. Individual copies of the unregistered version of "DOOM Launcher!" may be given to your friends and associates for the same thirty day free trial period. You may also upload "DOOM Launcher!" to the public section of a public BBS. You may not modify or dis-assemble "DOOM Launcher!", nor distribute any modified or dis-assembled versions of it. "DOOM Launcher!" may not be included with any other product without written permission from Kevin Royalty. Registered copies of "DOOM Launcher!" can be used on more than one computer at a time as long as no more than one of these computers is running "DOOM Launcher!" at the same time. You may make backup copies of "DOOM Launcher!" as necessary for archival purposes only. U.S. Government RESTRICTED RIGHTS: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at 252.227-7013. If you would like additional rights beyond those granted above, write to the distributor at "k.royalty@genie.geis.com" on the Internet. ═══ 4. CONTENTS ═══ [i] Title Page [ii] DISCLAIMER [iii] COPYRIGHT/LICENSE AGREEMENT [1] Author's Notes [1-1] Acknowledgements [2] Using DOOM Launcher! [2.1] Installation [2.2] HINTS for DOOM Launcher! [2.3] Running DOOM Launcher! [2.4] DOOM Launcher debug mode [3] Known limitations [4] Planned Enhancements [5] Support Information [5.1] GEnie Signup Information [5.2] Team OS/2 - What is it? [5.3] How can I join Team OS/2? [5.4] How do I contact IBM Team OS/2 Support? ═══ 5. [1] Author's Notes ═══ This program will create a REXX exec on-the-fly that will launch the DOOM 1.2 Registered version with appropriate DOS SETTINGS and PARAMETERS to allow you to play DOOM under OS/2 2.1 in one of 3 ways. Standalone, Via Modem, and Network! This program suppports all known command line options for the DOOM.EXE, SERSETUP.EXE, and IPXSETUP.EXE executeables. It follows the specifications outlined in the DOOM FAQ published by Hank Leukart available on the Internet. If you are wondering why only the registered version is supported, read on. (excerpted from Hank Leukart's document on DOOM Specs) id SOFTWARE'S COPYRIGHT AND THE SHAREWARE VERSION: The README.EXE says id Software respectfully requests that you do not modify the levels for the shareware version of DOOM. We feel that the distribution of new levels that work with the shareware version of DOOM will lessen a potential user's incentive to purchase the registered version. If you would like to work with modified levels of DOOM, we encourage you to purchase the registered version of the game. This is all pretty clear: if you distribute anything for DOOM, it should not work with the shareware version. The point is that the regular shareware players shouldn't be able to exceed their rights. They are getting a complete game as it is! ═══ 5.1. [1-1] Acknowledgements ═══ I have received much assistance lately from the following people. They either brought mistakes to my attention, or provided additional information that I've incorporated into the program: Chris Lloyd (c.lloyd1@genie.geis.com) - #1 Beta Tester Stewart Hyde (s.hyde@genie.geis.com) - #2 Beta Tester Doug Robison (d.robison@genie.geis.com) - #3 Beta Tester Bruce Peterson (brucetp@ndlc.occ.uky.edu) The rest of the staff of the OS/2 Roundtable on GEnie! Hank Leukart (ap641@cleveland.freenet.edu) - #1 source for info that caused this program to be possible! Sorry if I left anyone out. Thanks for all the help! If you have any comments, have spotted any errors, or have any possible additions, please send me e-mail. Questions will be gladly answered, unless I get too many. Please note, however, that if it's not in here, I'm either working on it or I just don't know it. If YOU know "it", tell me! ═══ 6. [2] Using DOOM Launcher! ═══ This page intentionally left blank ═══ 6.1. [2.1] Installation ═══ Basically, you create a subdirectory, place the executeable and this documentation there. Place the VROBJ.DLL in your \OS2\DLL directory. Run the INSTALL.CMD to build the Folder and Icons for your desktop. ═══ 6.2. [2.2] HINTS for DOOM Launcher! ═══ I have tried to make the program self-explanatory with HINTS on the bottom of the window, so if you want to know more about an option, place the mouse cursor on a button and read the bottom line of the window. If it is still confusing, read the DOOM FAQ, and also send me a note about what was so confusing and I'll try to correct it by the next release. ═══ 6.3. [2.3] Running DOOM Launcher! ═══ Start DOOM Launcher from an ICON or by typing the filename at an OS/2 command prompt. ═══ 6.4. [2.4] DOOM Launcher debug mode ═══ I have included a way to put DOOM Launcher in a debug mode. If you start DOOM Launcher with the parameter 'ON' after it, the parameters that you select will be displayed in a VX-REXX Console. I may have you send these to me if you encounter a problem. I also request that you send the generated DOOM-OS2.CMD file as well. This will help me determine what happened and what workarounds, if any, there are until I can fix the problem. ═══ 7. [3] Known Limitations ═══ As of this writing, these are the known limitations of DOOM Launcher. Please refrain from reporting known limitations to me. These limitations will, if at all possible, be removed ASAP. 1) "You can't execute DOOM -NET to play a net game, you actually execute IPXSETUP." Since I don't have a network, I'll have to rely on all of you to tell me what I should do here in the Network Options. Please let me know! 2) "The MODEM RESET button doesn't work. It gives me a message." I haven't gotten around to this just yet. I am hoping that id Software will rewrite the SERSETUP program to let you send a modem reset, then send the appropriate command to set your modem up as answer or dial. I put this here intending to implement it right away, but it isn't a high priority for me. If it is for you, let me know and I will get it working in the next release. (See [4] Planned Enhancements ) 3) "DOOM doesn't work with the OS/2 2.11 ServicePack COMM Drivers." I encountered this myself, and have successfully played DOOM using the replacement SIO/VSIO comm drivers written by Ray Gwinn. I suggest that if you are having problems playing DOOM over a serial connection, you try these excellent replacement drivers out. These drivers are not free, and will need to be registered with the author. ═══ 8. [4] Planned Enhancements ═══ 1) The ability to dial and connect with another player via modem, and 'chat' with them, setting up your options before launching the game itself. 2) Save/Load multiple configurations. 3) Support other Tools that work with DOOM 1.2 Registered version only. Let me know which ones you want me to support! Send me your ideas! ═══ 9. [5] Support Information ═══ Release V 1.1 - Shareware Last Updated: March 31, 1994 Written by: Kevin Royalty (k.royalty@genie.geis.com) "OS/2 Accredited" "OS/2 Ambassador" "Team OS/2" Asst-Sysop OS/2 Roundtable - GEnie Service CoHost of the Weekly International Team OS/2 Meeting, Tuesdays on GEnie in the OS/2 Roundtable Real-Time Conference area from 9:30 - 11:30 Eastern. I 'officially' live on the GEnie network, in the OS/2 Roundtable (RT) where I am an Assistant Sysop. I also host a weekly International Team OS/2 Meeting every Tuesday at 9:30 Eastern in the Realtime Chat Area (RTC) of the OS/2 RT. Feel free to stop by at any time and ask questions about OS/2 or how you can show your support of OS/2. I give preference to registered users of this product, and have many more products like this planned for the future. If you are un-registered and report a bug, I do not guarantee that you will be notified of a fix. ═══ 9.1. [5.1] GEnie Signup Information ═══ To signup for GEnie, use our automated sign-up procedure. 1. Set your communications software for for half duplex (local echo) at 300, 1200 or 2400 baud 2. Dial (toll free) 1-800-638-8369. Upon connection, enter HHH 3. At the U#= prompt enter JOINGENIE and press return. 4. When asked for the special offer code, enter MUC524 and press return. This is a special offer. It waives the first month's fee and gives you an extra six hours of standard connect time the first month. There is no initial fee to join the GEnie network. At the end of the online registration, a personal User Number and temporary password will be displayed on your screen. Both are required for logon, so please be sure to make a note of them. WARRANTY GE Information Services, Inc. (hereinafter known as GE IS) makes no warranty of any kind, express or implied, including without limitation, any warranties of merchantability and/or fitness for a particular purpose. GE IS shall not be liable for any damages, whether direct, indirect, special or consequential arising from a failure of this program to operate in the manner desired by the user. GE IS shall not be liable for any damage to data or property which may be caused directly or indirectly by use of the program. IN NO EVENT WILL GE IS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY LOST PROFITS, LOST SAVINGS OR OTHER INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF YOUR USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM, OR FOR ANY CLAIM BY ANY OTHER PARTY. GOVERNING LAW The License Agreement and Warranty shall be construed, interpreted and governed by the laws of the state of Maryland. ═══ 9.2. [5.2] Team OS/2 - What is it? ═══ Team OS/2 is like an electronic user group: it consists of people around the world who are OS/2 enthusiasts and are voluntarily and actively sharing their knowledge and enthusiasm with others. They work to promote the use and availability of OS/2 wherever they can. But unlike a user group, there is very little organizational structure. As groups of Teamers come together though, they often start to form formal or informal groups so they can provide their own support network to work more effectively with IBM, vendors, user groups, and others. Being part of Team OS/2 is a state of mind. Team members are those who see that something needs to be done, and they figure out a way to do it. Some have started OS/2 BBS's to provide support for local OS/2 users. Others see that help is needed for local retailers to help them feel more confident in offering OS/2 to their customers. Membership in Team OS/2 is self-determined. You are a part of Team OS/2 (if you wish) if you consider that you are actively doing something to help support OS2 and OS/2 users and your efforts are beyond the expectations of your job. Team OS/2 is not owned or run by IBM. In fact, most Team OS/2 members are not IBM employees. Those Teamers who do happen to work for IBM generally use their own time to help others and promote the use of OS/2 and OS/2 applications just as other Teamers do. Although Team OS/2 Support in IBM PSP does maintain a Team OS/2 member list and puts out a newsletter, they do this as a service to Teamers worldwide. Being on the list is NOT a requirement to be part of Team OS/2. But it does help Teamers find other local members when looking for help, and provide a way to recognize the efforts of so many people in helping to promote OS/2. ═══ 9.3. [5.3] How can I join Team OS/2? ═══ The IBM Team OS/2 Support group keeps a database of members as a service to Team OS/2 members world-wide. We then sort and upload them to the electronic networks so that you can find each other. For this database, please send the following information to one of the addresses given in section [5.4] How do I contact IBM Team OS/2 Support? . 1. Your Name 2. Mailing address (only the city, state, and country will be published) May we release your address to vendors who wish to do mailings to Team OS/2 members? (Yes or no) 3. Userids and networks 4. Optional: you can include a short (1-2 line) description to be included with your name. Sometimes software developers like to mention which products they've written or BBS operators include how to reach their BBS. 5. For our private records (these will NOT be published), please also include your phone number (home/work), Fax, etc. Also please let us know what you've been doing to help promote the use of OS/2. ═══ 9.4. [5.4] How do I contact IBM Team OS/2 Support? ═══ You can contact Team OS/2 Support via the Internet address given below from most electronic networks. If necessary, contact us via fax or telephone, but electronic mail is definitely preferred. Internet (Team OS/2 Support): teamos2@vnet.ibm.com Internet (Team OS/2 Newsletter): teamnews@vnet.ibm.com Internet (BBS support): vicci@vnet.ibm.com Internet (PC User Group Support): ibmpcug@vnet.ibm.com IBM (internal) (Team OS/2 Support): TEAMOS2 at AUSVM1 IBM (internal) (Team OS/2 Newsletter): TEAMNEWS at AUSVM1 IBM (internal) (BBS Support): VICCI at BCRVM1 IBM (internal) (IBM PC User Groups): IBMPCUG at AUSVM1 You can also contact us at any of the following addresses and request that your note be forwarded to the correct person: CompuServe: Vicci Conway at 76711,1123 Fidonet: Janet Gobeille at 13479Y IBMMAIL: Janet Gobeille at USIB45RN at IBMMAIL OS/2 BBS: Vicci Conway at USIB55J9 at IBMMAIL Fax: Send your request to Janet Gobeille, Team OS/2 Support, at (512) 823-3252 Mail: Janet Gobeille IBM PSP - Bldg 808 Internal Zip 2996 11400 Burnet Rd Austin, TX 78758 USA Telephone: Jeff Mallon, Team OS/2 Support, at (512) 823-1682 If you have problems reaching Team OS/2 Support, contact Janet Gobeille at (512) 823-3247.