Directions to install downloaded LANWatchMan Demo onto a MS Windows system. In DOS: 1. Change directory to the location of the LANWATCH.ZIP file 1a. Setdemo \windows\system (Where \windows\system is the directory which windows is located.) 1b. Start Windows 2. Use File New menu option in program manager to create a new item 2a. Browse to the directory that you unzipped the zip file into. 2b. Add the LANWATCH.EXE as the new item file. 3. Now simply click on the LANWATCH.EXE created icon from step 2 and the DEMO Begins. 4. The system Password is STARTREK. 5. Please call with any comments or request at (516) 538-1240. 6. The price for LANWatchMan is 695.00 for 5 server version and 1,295.00 for unlimited server version. Thanks From D&G Infosystems Inc.