This only applies to Artisoft LANs. Fixing Sharing Violations with NetTalk for Windows -------------------------------------------------- If you encounter sharing violations when using NetTalk for Windows, the .EXE and .DLL file attributes must be flagged to read-only. To do this, have all users exit NetTalk for Windows (by closing the icon).  The read-only attributes can then be set either in Windows File Manager or in DOS.  To set the attributes in Windows File Manager, bring up File Manager and switch to the NetTalk installation directory. Now click on 'File' and select 'Select Files...'. At the file name entry box, type *.EXE and press Enter or click on 'Select'. Now back at the file name entry, type *.DLL, press Enter or click on 'Select', and then click on 'Close'. Now click on 'File' again and select 'Properties...'. Click the 'Read Only' box so it has a check or X in it. The boxes 'Hidden' and 'System' should be unchecked. Now press Enter or click on 'Ok'.  To set the attribute in DOS, change the current directory to the NetTalk installation directory. Now type ATTRIB +R *.EXE (enter). Then type ATTRIB +R *.DLL (enter).  The read-only attribute should now allow multi-user execution within Windows.