Common Errors Encountered Using NetTalk (in Windows only) ============================================================ o NetTalk was unable to find your network drivers. - you must be running your network software to run NetTalk. - to find out your IPX.COM version, type "IPX -I IPX.COM should be 3.10 or newer (1992 or newer). - to find out your IPXODI version, type "IPXODI" IPXODI should be (check with your dealer) or newer (1992 or newer). We are not allowed to distribute updated versions of these files, however, please call Novell Customer Satisfaction at 1-800-453-1267 x7695 for help. o You must be logged in to run NetTalk! - verify that you are logged in to the network. - if this error occurs in SETUPW.EXE, your IPX drivers may be out of date (see previous error message). - if this error occurs in NETTALKW.EXE or NETPLUSW.EXE, your NETX or NET5 shell may be out of date. Update to a shell version of 3.26 or newer (about 1992 or newer). o NetTalk was unable to open: LANCFG.DAT. - you need to run SETUPW.EXE to create this file. o NetTalk was unable to open: DIRECTRY.DAT. - if you have installed NetTalk Plus+ in the same directory as an existing NetTalk installation, you must re-install NetTalk Plus+ in a seperate directory.