NETTALKTM & NETTALK+PLUSTM HELP & TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE (c) 1993-4 Cross International with GRMPC & Eyeballs Software - all rights reserved. NETTALK and NETTALK+PLUS are trademarks of Cross International. VIDEO MONITORS If some of your users are using black and white or other monochrome monitors, you may want to change their presentation mode. To do this at the DOS prompt before loading LANTSR, type: mode BW80 If you want to return to color mode type: mode CO80 or reboot the PC. You can add this to their AUTOEXEC.BAT if you want a permanent change. ERROR NOTICES - RED BOX POPS UP If you get a RED ERROR box, you do not have a TEMP directory. You must have a TEMP swap file in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. It should look like this: SET TEMP=C:\temp and make a directory called TEMP, i.e. md TEMP. Please note that many times we have found that a TEMP file exists in the AUTOEXEC.BAT but, in fact, there is NO TEMP directory exists on their local disk drive. Change the disk drive from C to A if there is no hard drive or use a network drive, i.e, A: or X:. Type DIR to see a list of your directories. We have also found that even though you may have a TEMP directory in your autoexec.bat, it may NOT exist as a real directory, so check your directories. In addition, system performance will be increased if you use either EMM.SYS (286 class PCs) or EMM386.EXE (for 386/486 PCs). You should place in your CONFIG.SYS, the following notes: device=C:\dos\himem.sys dos=high,umb for 386/486 PCs add: device=C:\dos\emm386.exe RAM 64 NOTE: This assumes that HIMEM.SYS, EMM.SYS, and/or EMM386.EXE is in the DOS directory. Please refer to your DOS manual on memory for specific issues as this information may be updated by Microsoft without notice. ERROR MESSAGE BEEPS NETTALK will beep the speaker in certain situations when an error message cannot be printed or displayed onscreen. The number of beeps and the error they correspond to are: 2 beeps: DOS is in critical error handler (Abort/Retry/Ignore) 3 beeps: Unsupported graphics mode - NETTALK can enter and exit from most graphic applications. 4 beeps: out of memory 5 beeps: error creating graphics save file (check server or TEMP directory) Please note that under normal circumstances NETTALK will beep twice (beep-beep) when you have NEW calls in your Call Log. DOS USERS WITH WORD PERFECT Word Perfect does some interesting things with memory management. So we had to create a version for Word Perfect users. Instead of loading LANTSR, load LANTSR /D. DOS MEMORY ISSUES NETTALK does not automatically change your AUTOEXEC.BAT or CONFIG.SYSYou can change your DOS 5.0 or 6.0 CONFIG.SYS to: device=C:\dos\himem.sys DOS=HIGH,umb FILES=60 buffers=30 You can also change your AUTOEXEC.BAT to: lh C:\dos\share.exe where lh means to loadhigh. Share must also be loaded in your AUTOEXEC.BAT. You can also loadhigh other programs including your LAN Network software, your mouse driver, etc., simply type lh before the program you want to load high, e.g., lh lh client lh lsl DOS will try to load high all the programs in can load high and default to conventional memory (640K) when it cannot. NOTE: LH or the load high command does not guarantee it will be loaded high, it will just try to load memory high. By rearranging your programs, you may be more successful in loading your programs in high memory. We also recommend that you can use Memmaker in DOS 6.0 which is a helpful tool in managing your memory. Please also check your DOS manual for help on memory management. USERS WITH QEMM MEMORY MANAGER To run NETTALK with QEMM, type LANTSR/S - for stealth mode, you should not have any problems in Windows LANTSR/H - for help LANTSR/U - to unload NETTALK in DOS NETTALK will not work in QEMM ALONE mode but ALONE is designed to be used in a SERVER-ONLY configuration, where the PC is used "alone" and not as a workstation. ERROR -- DOS VERSION -- NETTALK DOES NOT POPUP Note on TEMP= environment variable If you are using a mouse and/or are not using EMS to swap in the NETTALK overlay (lanovl.exe), NETTALK will use the directory specified by TEMP to store the NETTALK swap files. If a TEMP directory does NOT exist, NETTALK will NOT work (that is popup). If you are NOT using EMS memory, NETTALK will give NO indication of this error. If you ARE using EMS and have a mouse, you will see a RED error box displaying "Error Creating File." You should (1) create a TEMP directory (md\TEMP on the C drive or A drive whichever is your local PC drive) and add to your AUTOEXE.BAT or make sure the AUTOEXEC.BAT does have a SET TEMP=C:\ or (2) remote the TEMP= variable from your environment by typing SET TEMP= followed by an ENTER. If you have any questions, please check your DOS manual. NETTALK WINDOWS VERSION NETTALK for Windows requires Novell version 3.1 or greater. It is one of the only software programs that operates in both DOS and WINDOWS. That is, if you have a DOS user the messages will come up in DOS and the DOS user can send to the WINDOWS user and it will popup in WINDOWS. Screen Savers - NETTALK and NETTALK+PLUS will popup over screen savers, however, if your screen saver is password protected, NETTALK will beep once and force your screen saver to popup the password box. Then you put your password in and get your NETTALK message. If you are using a DOS application through WINDOWS to ensure that NETTALK will popup correctly, please use the PIFF editor to select NON-EXCLUSIVE option (box NOT checked). Otherwise, NETTALK will beep but not popup when someone sends you a message. You will, in this case, have to, select ALT-TAB to bring up NETTALK. WINDOWS -- COMMON ERRORS NETTALK was unable to find your network drivers. - you must be running LAN network software to run NETTALK. - to find out your IPX.COM version, type IPX I IPX.COM should be 3.10 or newer (1992 or newer). - to find out your IPXODI version, type "IPXODI" IPXODI should be (check with your dealer) or newer (1992 or newer). We are not allowed to distribute updated versions of these files, however, please call Novell Customer Satisfaction at 1-800-453-1267 x7695 for help. You must be logged in to run NETTALK! - verify that you are logged in to the network. - if this error occurs in SETUPW.EXE, your IPX drivers may be out of date (see previous error message). - if this error occurs in NETTALKW.EXE or NETPLUSW.EXE, your NETX or NET5 shell may be out of date. Update to a shell version of 3.26 or newer (1992 or newer). NETTALK was unable to open: LANCFG.DAT. - you need to run SETUPW.EXE to create this file. NETTALK was unable to open: DIRECTRY.DAT. - if you have installed NETTALK+PLUS in the same directory as an existing NETTALK installation, you must re-install NETTALK+PLUS in a separate directory. NETTALK cannot find your NETTALK, i.e., running NETBIOS on Novell Please add to your WIN.INI file at the beginning or end: [NetTalk Plus+] NetworkType=Netbios NetworkType=Detect This will automatically detect what kind of LAN you have. NOVELL NETWORK ISSUES This information is included because there are many Novell and Artisoft LAN managers who are unfamiliar with some of the most common Novell and Artisoft management features. This information (based on version Novell 3.11) may change without notice, please contact Novell for possible changes to this information. It was created because we have found too many Novell networks where everyone logs in as the Supervisor or the same person, i.e. Sales. NETTALK will NOT work under these circumstances as EACH NETTALK user much have their own different login name, i.e., Jane, John, Vicki, Tom, etc. Starting NETTALK Automatically User can add a batch file (.bat) in their Novell Login script to automatically load NETTALK at user login. In other words, put in the Novell login script: Talk.bat and in the batch file would have the file Lantsr or Lantsr /s if you are using the special options Otherwise, NETTALK does not know who to send the message to. That is, if everyone logs in as supervisor, you would be sending to yourself. To add a user to a Novell 3.11 Network, please Login as Supervisor From the DOS prompt type Syscon From the Syscon menu select User Information Press the INSERT button on your keyboard (do not type insert, the insert button is generally located above the cursor buttons and to the right of the ENTER button) You will then see User Name Type in the User Name you want to add, i.e., Fred Press the ENTER button You will be asked to Verify Creation of New Directory Move Cursor to YES Press the ENTER button You have successfully added a user. To quit, Press the ESC button on your keyboard a few times to quit SYSCON. Novell Rights As the Novell LAN Manager, you need to give your users rights to the INTERCOM directory where you have placed NETTALK. The reason is that each person has their own Yellow Sticky Pad file and their own Call Log. If you do not know how to give RIGHTS, you can start by typing RIGHTS from wherever you have placed NETTALK. This will tell you what RIGHTS you have. This will NOT tell you what RIGHTS other users have. STOP, before you proceed if you are unfamiliar with Novell, we suggest you call your dealer for specific advice regarding your individual Novell network. Your dealer may have other ways to accomplish this or specific recommendations. In order to add RIGHTS to your Novell Network, you login as SUPERVISOR and type SYSCON Then Select - Group Information Then Select - Group Names - Everyone Then Select - Trustee Directory Assignments Then hit the INSERT button Type SYS:Intercom Hit the Enter button Then hit the INSERT button - Select Create Hit the Enter button The hit the INSERT button - Select Erase Hit the Enter button Then hit the INSERT button - Select Modify Hit the Enter button Then hit the INSERT button - Select Write Hit the Enter button Then hit the INSERT button - Select Access Control Then hit the ESC button a number of times until you leave SYSCON and then you are done. NOTE: You should then restart or reboot your PCs. SHARING VIOLATION ERROR APPEARS If you encounter sharing violations (which may appear most in NETBIOS networks, however, it is also recommended for Novell LANs) when using NETTALK for Windows, the .EXE and .DLL file attributes must be flagged to read-only. To do this, have all users exit NETTALK for Windows (by closing the icon). The read-only attributes can then be set either in Windows File Manager or in DOS. To set the attributes in Windows File Manager, bring up File Manager and switch to the NETTALK installation directory. Now click on 'File' and select 'Select Files...'. At the file name entry box, type *.EXE and press Enter or click on 'Select'. Now back at the file name entry, type *.DLL, press Enter or click on 'Select', and then click on 'Close'. Now click on 'File' again and select 'Properties...'. Click the 'Read Only' box so it has a check or X in it. The boxes 'Hidden' and 'System' should be unchecked. Now press Enter or click on 'Ok'. To set the attribute in DOS, change the current directory to the NETTALK installation directory. Now type ATTRIB +R *.EXE (enter). Then type ATTRIB +R *.DLL (enter). Please note that you should change ONLY the .EXE and .DLL files only. If you change all the files, you will be unable to read Call Logs or Sticky Pad files. The read-only attribute should now allow multi-user execution within Windows. For WINDOWS users on Artisoft Lantastic Networks Before running NETTALK, go into Windows Setup via the Windows Control Panel. Then FOR NETWORK TYPE Select Artisoft Lantastic (either 3.x or 4.x depending on your version of Lantastic). You will need the Windows disks 1 or 2 to perform this task. ARTISOFT ONLY - CANNOT ADD NETBIOS NAMES FOR LANTASTIC - When encountering the problem of "Cannot add Netbios names - Name already in use." Edit STARTNET.BAT If the line AILANBIO is followed by @filename then you are using a configuration file. Changes should be made to this file. Otherwise, the changes go into STARTNET.BAT. if changing STARTNET.BAT add: AILANBIO VERBOSE PAUSE if changing a configuration file, add the line: VERBOSE Then reboot or run STARTNET (AILANBIO will display its current config) Write down the number following MAX_NAMES= Now change STARTNET.BAT to: AILANIO MAX_NAMES=X Or add a line to the configuration file: MAX_NAMES=X (X=original setting number +3, i.e., 6+3=9, for a total of 9 Netbios names) (remove PAUSE line from STARTNET.BAT) Then reboot or run STARTNET and try LANTSR again.