CROSS+POINT(TM) - Available March 94 O Intelligent email solution for Windows O Rule processing for incoming mail O Supports all LANs O Send messages and attachments O Sort your email by priority, sender, status, etc. CROSS+POINT is one of the first office communications software solutions with intelligent mail management. The rule processor allows each individual to set up for a dozen incoming messages. For example, if a person was going to be out of the office for the next few days, he forwards his urgent mail to the assistant. Inbound messages can be prioritized, marked as "read," "forwarded," "printed," "automatically replied to," "deleted," etc. That is, "IF" a piece of mail is urgent and it is from John, "THEN" forward the message to Carol. CROSS+POINT is easy to install and pays for itself the first day. INTRODUCTORY PRICE -- $49 FOR A 5-USER VERSION $99-10-user -- $199-25-user CROSS+POINT is a trademark of Cross International Corporation.