Castle Wizard Room The words Arnakkian, Enlikil, and Ghost must be spelled in order the first time in order to get to L6 Parapets after that only ghost needs to be spelled. 1. Teleport to L7 labyrinth 11 (location 21) 2. You must fight all the battles along the perimeter of this square before door 3 appears 3. Arnakkian is here. Blue gem obtained from battle 4. Teleport to L6 Parapets 5. Door appears here after all battles around square are fought L8: Labryinth III 1. Wolf Helmet found here 2. Stepping here creates a platform at a 3. Stepping here removes the platform at a 4. War Hammer of Doom and Kite shield hidden here 5. Berserker skill found here 6. Teleport to L9 Labyrinth IV (location 2) 7. Harvest horn found here (need to get twice once for flex sword and once for 4 seasons' quest 8. Xephyr Teleport, teleport to L7 Labyrinth II (location 11 ) 9. Voranti's Door (need Voranti's key to open found at location 14 on L7 Labyrinth II) 10. Teleport to Voranti's Passage on L7 Labyrinth II (location 3) 11. Teleported here from L9 Labyrinth IV (location 7) 12. Healing fountain 13. Teleport to ZZYZX 14-17 Attribute doors for different races 14. Gremlins and dwarves 15. Orcs and Trolls 16. Elves and Gnomes 17. Humans and Halflings