L2: Palace Corridor 1. Teleport lo L3 Rune Room (location 6) 2. Teleport lo L2 Cleowyn's Palace (location 2) 3. Cleowyn's key needed lo unlock this door (key found in L1 Mines) 4. Teleport lo LI Vestibule (localion 21 ) Cleowyn's Palace 1. King's ring discovered in this area 2. Teleport lo L2 Palace Corridor (location 2) Basement 1. Teleport to L1 Soldier's Quarters (location 1) 2. Teleport to L3 Great Corridor (location 11) 3. Teleport to L1 Hall of Doors (location 3) 4. Fountain of Health (only works once) 5. Teleport to L1 Hall of Doors (location 8) 6. Teleport to L2 Basement (location 7) 7. Teleport to L2 Basement (location 6) Secret Rooms A-C These rooms may be reached through corresponding Teleport on L3 Rune Room. In each a piece of the King's Quest can be found {Scepter, Crown, and Robe) L3: Great Corridor 1. Teleport lo L3 Rune Room (localion 6) 2. Teleport to L3 Mausoleum (localion 7) 3. Lava key needed to open this door (key found on L5 Lava Cellar) 4. Cleowyn's lockpick needed lo enter this door (key in LI Mines) 5. Teleport lo L4 King's Domicile (localion 8) Note: door east if here requires Cloewyn's lockpick