Vestibule (Note: This room consists of a series of door which the inner doors that will be unlccked depend on the first door 3-6 that is entered) 1. Teleport to L1 Hall of Doors (location 4) 2. Teleport to L1 The Mines (location 7) 3. Going through this door first will open doors 10, 14, & 18. Strength is needed to open this door. 4. Going through this door first will open doors 7, 11, & 15 5. Going through this door first will open doors 8, 12, & 16. Cloewyn's Key needed to open door. 6. Going thrcugh this door first will open doors 9, 13, & 17 Cloewyn's lockpick needed to open this door. 19 ???? 20. Teleport to L4 King's Domicile (location 1) 21. Teleport to L2 Palace Corridor (location 4) 22. Cloewyn's Palace Key discovered here Soldiers Quarters 1. Teleport to L1 Dungeon Entrance (location 5) 2. Teleport to L2 Basement (location 1) 3. Teleport to L1 Treasury (locaticn 3) 4. Teleport to L1 Soldiers Quarters (location 6) 5. Teleport tc L1 Soldiers Quarters (location 8) 6. Teleport tc L1 Soldiers Quarters (location 4) 7. Teleport to L3 Prison (location 1) 8. Teleport tc L1 Soldier's Quarters (location 5) Treasury 1. Teleport to LI Hall of Doors (locaticn 6) 2. Treasury, several items found in this room that may be useful to low level characters. 3. Teleport to L1 Soldier's Quarter's (location 3)