Looking for Wings (TOWN, LAB, STORE)
Note about this section!
There are a few actions in these three rooms that you need to complete before
you can solve a majority of the puzzles. Rather than start each hint with
notes like "You first must ... before you can ...", I've decided to tell you
what the key actions are through additional hints. If you see a marker like
"Read this hint!" please do so before reading any of the following hints on
that menu.
I will also assume that if you don't have a potion, you can read the hints in
the lab section to find out how to make it. It will get a little tiresome to
have to point you to the proper hints every time a potion is mentioned.
Subject: The Main Square (TOWN)
Subject: The Grocery (STORE)
Subject: The Alchemist's Lab (LAB)