How do I mix speedixir?
Hint 1 of 8:
You need a boiled shoe sole, crushed crocomouth bone, and florion extract.
Hint 2 of 8:
See the hints in the TOWN section to find out how to get the sole and the
florion. The bone comes from the STORE.
Hint 3 of 8:
You already should know how to boil things from the spaghetti.
Hint 4 of 8:
Add water from the faucet and the sole to kettle and then light the burner
with the lighter.
Hint 5 of 8:
You need florion extract -- which you can get from a florion.
Hint 6 of 8:
Put it in the still and light the burner underneath to get extract.
Hint 7 of 8:
The crocomouth bone needs to be crushed in standard lab equipment.