How can I get Xina's slipper?
Hint 1 of 11:
This is a pretty complicated puzzle. There are several ways to work out the
logic, but you first might want to start by trying to get King Bodd to use
the slipper.
Hint 2 of 11:
Slippers are often used to kill bugs.
Hint 3 of 11:
So dig out a roach from the roach motel by having Fulbert crawl into it.
Hint 4 of 11:
The king's son Tibo might help you here if you gave him a new toy.
Hint 5 of 11:
Give him the gun that you took from the guard in Xina's chambers.
Hint 6 of 11:
Then look for something that Tibo might be able to use as a target.
Hint 7 of 11:
The buffoon can probably help you here.