How do I get off the satellite?

Hint 1 of 9:
Once Noah tells you he's nearly finished, meet him in the satellite.

Hint 2 of 9:
Try to undock from the satellite.  Press the button that shows two detached

Hint 3 of 9:
You're going to have to use force to break out of that tractor beam.

Hint 4 of 9:
The shields might help you here.

Hint 5 of 9:
Turn them on.  The shields button is just to the left of the picture of the
shuttle and has a circle with a horizontal line going through it.

Hint 6 of 9:
Now try flying somewhere.

Hint 7 of 9:
Go into "go to" mode (using the button that looks like a "1" on its side) and
set your target for Callahan's.

Hint 8 of 9:
You won't be able to escape the tractor beam without a lot of speed, though.

Hint 9 of 9:
Set the speed to its highest setting, until the light on the "speed up"
button turns off.  The "speed up" button shows the right half of an arrow
pointing up.