How can I get through the jungle?

Hint 1 of 11:
A map might be very useful.

Hint 2 of 11:
Alaniz has one.

Hint 3 of 11:
If only you could get rid of him.

Hint 4 of 11:
Or at least put him to sleep for a while.

Hint 5 of 11:
You can make something that will do that.

Hint 6 of 11:
Like a tranquilizer gun.

Hint 7 of 11:
You can make a dart gun with the pushpin and bamboo pole.

Hint 8 of 11:
And you have some pretty powerful tranquilizer nearby.

Hint 9 of 11:
Look in the medicine kit in the glove compartment in the plane.

Hint 10 of 11:
Use the bottle of morphine from the kit on the pushpin and put that in the
bamboo pole.  You now have a tranquilizer gun that you can fire at Alaniz.

Hint 11 of 11:
It is now safe to take his map, and you can navigate the jungle once you read
the map.