Al Phee's Psychic Powers

Hint: How does this segment start?

Nested hint: How do I use Al's timesled?
(sorry, cannot decode section)
A note about these hints
Many of the puzzles appear to be linear in this part of the game.  That is,
you may not be able to find the people or items you need until a specific
time.  In order to keep the hints in this section relatively simple, I will
sometimes assume that the people and things you need will be available.  I
also try to list the hints in the order that you will need them, so you may
want to read them in the order presented in the file.  But if for any reason,
you can't find a person or item, move on to another puzzle and come back
later when things change.

Hint: Where can I get some money?

Hint: Where can I get a ponytail?

Nested hint: How do I get a tattoo?
(sorry, cannot decode section)
Nested hint: Where can I harass someone?
(sorry, cannot decode section)
Hint: Where can I find a sponsor?

Hint: Where do I find some sunglasses?

Nested hint: How can I get in to see Dr. Dupliscidus?
(sorry, cannot decode section)
Hint: How do I get into Le Biochambre 4000?

Hint: How can I get Dr. Dupliscidus to give me the antidote?