
Nested hint: I was captured! Is there anything I can do?
(sorry, cannot decode section)
Nested hint: What password should I give Arthur?
(sorry, cannot decode section)
Nested hint: It's dark in the missle silo!
(sorry, cannot decode section)
Nested hint: How do I get out of here?
(sorry, cannot decode section)
Nested hint: It's dark when I arrive at the alien ship.
(sorry, cannot decode section)
Nested hint: How do I keep from being noticed by the aliens?
(sorry, cannot decode section)
Nested hint: How can I recover the evidence?
(sorry, cannot decode section)
Nested hint: What should I do once I've recovered the evidence?
(sorry, cannot decode section)
Nested hint: How do I get out of the inorganic transporter?
(sorry, cannot decode section)
Nested hint: I got out of the transporter, but what do I do next?
(sorry, cannot decode section)