How do I get through the tunnel below the cryonics room?

Hint 1 of 17:
There's a creature down there, and it's very hungry.

Hint 2 of 17:
Of course, you don't want to be the one to feed it.  You're going to have to
look for something else to send down to the tunnel.

Hint 3 of 17:
Read the monitors on the wall.

Hint 4 of 17:
The cryofluid in tank 1 is very low.

Hint 5 of 17:
And if it runs out, the cyberaptor in there will wake up.

Hint 6 of 17:
Waking up the creature is a good thing, actually.

Hint 7 of 17:
So open the iris hatch and then drain the fluid with the controls on the wall
opposite to the entrance to the room.

Hint 8 of 17:
Eventually, the cyberaptor will wake up.  Try fighting it.

Hint 9 of 17:
After a bit of fighting, you'll get an entry in your journal -- the
cyberaptor seems to have regenerative powers, so you can't kill it.

Hint 10 of 17:
But you really don't need to.  All you need to do is make sure that it goes
down to the creature in the tunnel.

Hint 11 of 17:
The cyberaptor is too smart to jump into an open hatch.

Hint 12 of 17:
But not too smart to stand on the closed hatch.

Hint 13 of 17:
Even though you can't kill it, you can at least knock it out for long enough
to do something.

Hint 14 of 17:
If the hatch isn't already closed, then close it.  Then try to get the
cyberaptor to fight you on top of the hatch.
