*PLEASE NOTE* You will need DirectX5 installed on your machine to play this demo *TEAM APACHE PLAYING GUIDE* QUICK START Press E to start the engines, set your throttle to high and watch the Apache lift off. Press M to arm your weapons Press Escape to end the mission Press P to pause the game FLIGHT CONTROLS The throttle on the joystick increases your collective. To go forward, point your nose down but note that this will decrease your altitude. Turning left or right banks the helicopter in that direction. Yawing left or right rotates the helicopter in rotorblades axis. If you don't have a joystick, use the direction keys on the number pad (NumLock must be on) < - Yaw Left > - Yaw Right = - Increase Throttle (only works if your joystick doesn't have a throttle) - - Decrease Throttle (only works if your joystick doesn't have a throttle) E - Start Engines Command Ctrl+E - Toggle engines when on the ground A - Turn on autopitot H - Turn on autohover Tab - Turn off autopilot or autohover L+Ctrl - Toggle wing lights Z - Emergency Hydraulics (lasts for 10 seconds) WEAPON CONTROLS M - Arm all weapons G - Switch between LOAL / LOBL firing modes for Hellfire Space - Fire weapon (also fire on joystick) Bspace - Toggle weapons (also secondary joystick button) J - Increases the burst limit of your current weapon K - Decreases the burst limit of your current weapon U - Store the ground coordinates of what is in your gunsight Shift+U - Order Artillery attack at stored coordinates Insert - Co-pilot Gunner cycle to next target Delete - Co-pilot gunner fixed to current target C - Dispense Chaff F - Dispense Flares COMMUNICATING WITH OTHER APACHES The apache team is spilt into lead/wingman pairings, with a maximum of three such pairings. These are denoted Pair 1, Pair 2, and Pair 3, with the player always being in the lead apache of Pair1. The player can issue various commands to the team. This is done over the radio which has four channels available. Channel 1 addresses Pair 1 only, Channel 2 addresses Pair 2 only, Channel 3 addresses Pair 3, and Channel All addresses all lead/wingman pairs. The keys used to switch radio channels are:- 1 - Channel 1 2 - Channel 2 3 - Channel 3 X - Channel All. With the radio set to the appropriate channel, the player can issue a command by pressing one of the command keys. These are as follows:- 1+ctrl - Help Pair 1 2+ctrl - Help Pair 2 3+ctrl - Help Pair 3 4 - Engage your current threats (if appropriate). 5 - Engage mission primary targets you can see. 6 - Engage any targets of opportunity you can see. 7 - Engage all targets you can see. 8 - All Apaches, suppress and bypass (retreat while firing). 9 - Ignore any non threats you can see. 0 - Wingman follow me T - Wingman engage my current target (if appropriate). B - Follow your briefing (As described in SOPS). W - Wait. L - You are now the lead pair in the formation. Home+Ctl- Cycle to final waypoint Home - Cycle to next waypoint End - Cycle to previous waypoint S - Ask apaches on current radio channel for their status R - Ask leader of pair for position R+Ctrl - Ask rescue helicopter for position In the the mission planner you can set up 2 alternative formations to which you can switch to at any time in the mission using the following keys. [ - Switch to alternative formation 1 ] - Switch to alternative formation 2 Enter - Switch back to standard formation CAMERA CONTROLS F1 - HUD view F2 - Cycle cockpit when in HUD view F3 - Floating camera F4 - Wing View camera (cycles between sides) F5 - Rotating and zooming camera F6 - Drop controllable camera F7 - Drop camera that follows your Apache F8 - Friendly camera view F9 - Enemy camera view F11 - Missile chase view F12 - In flight map Cursor keys rotate the camera in F5,F6,F8 and F9 views. PgUp - Zoom in (only works in when in F5,F8 & F9 cameras) PgDn - Zoom out (only works in when in F5,F8 & F9 cameras) I+Ctrl - Infra red toggle for external camera views F6+Ctrl - Switch to controllable camera (F6) To move up and down use Control with the up and down cursor keys. When in HUD / Cockpit view: D - Toggle look down cockpit I - Infra red V - Cockpit light toggle V+Shift - Increase cockpit light intensity V+Ctrl - Decrease cockpit light intensity H+Shift - Darken IHADSS color H+Ctrl - Lighten IHADSS color Pg Dn - Increase IHADSS Radar range (when on) Pg Up - Decrease IHADSS Radar range (when on) Numpad0 - Centres your head in IHADSS view Shift + left cursor key snaps head to the left. Shift + right cursor key snaps head to the right. Cursor keys (or POV hat on joystick) move your head around NETWORK CONTROLS Pressing Shift+0 to Shift+9 on the normal keyboard will send a preset network message. The file netmsg.txt in the game directory holds the 10 messages and these can be edited in a text editor. Only the first 32 charchters of each line are used and if there are more than 10 lines they will be ignored. S+Shift - Toggle score M+Shift - Broadcast network message T+Shift - Broadcast network team message OTHER CONTROLS P - Pause O - Options Screen Ctrl+G - Screen Grab (writes a pcx in your game directory) Escape - End mission *THE OPTIONS SCREEN* Z-BUFFERING This is an option which will improve the in game graphics but should only be turned on if you have a 3D Harware accelerator that supports it such as a 3DFX based card. If you switch this on the game runs very slowly, you do not have this support and this option should be turned of immediately RENDER TO VIDEO MEMORY This option is only available if you don't have a 3D Accelerator, and will improve your performance depending on your video card. You should try the game both ways and select the one that gives the best performance. SPECIAL EFFECTS / GRAPHIC DETAIL Turning these down will improve the game's frame rate but will give you a lower graphical quality. If you are running without a 3D Accelerator card, this should be set to a low level. TERRAIN DETAIL Turning this down will improve the games frame rate but will give you a lower graphical quality. If you are running without a 3D Accelerator card, this should be set to the lowest possible level. GRAPHICS PROBLEMS If you are running with a 3D Accelerator and you are getting a lack of textures in some areas, try lowering your GRAPHIC DETAIL setting. If you have an S3 Virge based card you should always run with fog set to off. If you don't do this you will get graphical problems SOUND PROBLEMS If you run in 800x600 resolution and notice sound distortion, this is due to a limitation of D3D sound implementation. Switching to 640x480 should fix this problem. If you are getting sounds skipping and distorting in normal play, try reducing the number of sound effects being played by lowering your Sound Effects Setting (not the volume) and your Radio Messages Setting (not the volume) in the options screen. SPEEDING UP THE FRAME RATE If your frame rate is still inadequate, try lowering your Sound Effects Setting (not the volume) and your Radio Messages Setting (not the volume) If you have not already done this, lower your TERRAIN DETAIL setting to the minimum. This gives a very small loss in graphic quality and a substantial increase in frame rate. The next stting to reduce is the SPECIAL EFFECTS and finally the GRAPHIC DETAIL.