The most often asked question I got about my other themes was "How do I install it?". It seems there were a number of people that didn't know you needed the "Plus!" pack from Microsoft in order to have the "Desktop Themes" control panel. Now, I have seen a few third party utilities showing up that allows for installation of themes without having the Plus! pack. This is a good thing. There was nothing on the Plus! CD that was worth the $50 MS was asking for it. But without it you didn't have the control panel for making the themes active. Installation: Assuming you have either the Plus! pack or a third party theme installer already installed, all you have to do to get the Carmageddon theme running is this: 1. Unzip the CarmaTheme.Zip file into your "Themes" directory. (This is ususally C:\Program Files\Plus!\Themes ) Make sure that the option to "Create stored directory structures" is on. What you should then find in the themes directory is a folder named Carmageddon and a file called "Carmageddon.Theme". Note: I put all of my theme files into a subdirectory to make removing them much easier. Let's face it, every theme gets old after a while. 2. After unzipping the file all you have to do is open the Desktop Themes control panel (if you're using Plus!) or whatever else you are using to install themes and select the Carmageddon theme from the list. That's it. If you want to replace the Startup and Shutdown screens for Windows then see the file "Banner Screen Installation Instructions.txt" for instructions. (It's really easy) ==Ron Williams