300 Destination Directory 301 NONAME 302 ( Recommended ) 303 20 304 150 305 450 306 117 451 Submarine Titans 452 Submarine Titans 453 SetUp 454 .inf 455 ST1_Un0.exe 456 Submarine Titans 457 Titans.exe 458 Mapedit.exe 459 SndCfg.exe 460 Readme 461 .txt 462 notepad.exe 463 ST.HLP 464 ST.DOC 465 winhelp.exe 466 config.exe 467 C: 468 dxmedia.exe -id:AncientConquest 469 VIDEO\ 470 DATA\ 471 SOUND\ 472 MUSIC\ 473 Start Submarine Titans 474 Submarine Titans Help 475 Submarine Titans Configuration 476 Scenario Editor 477 Sounds Configurator 478 Mapedit.hlp 479 Scenario Editor Reference 480 Submarine Titans Readme 483 Uninstall 484 License 485 lobby 486 Publishers Doc 487 ST.URL 488 Submarine Titans website 489 English 490 ST_mail.URL 491 E-mail Feedback 500 Setup has completed successfully.\nNow try to win this awesome game.\n\nGood luck! 501 Setup has completed successfully.\n\nWould you like to read the readme file?\n 502 Submarine Titans(tm) Setup 503 Space available on drive %c: - %s MB 504 Choose destination directory to install the game 505 Submarine Titans"! 506 Setup 507 Prokopov 508 Setup needs to restart Windows, press Ok to restart now. 509 Error creating Windows Control. Setup cannot continue. 550 Setup cannot continue.\n 551 Setup is not complete.\n 552 If you quit the Setup program now the program will not be installed.\n\n 553 To retry installing the program, click Retry.\n 554 To quit the Setup program, click Cancel.\n 600 ProgramFilesDir 601 SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders 602 SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion 603 Programs 604 SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\TITANS.EXE 605 SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Submarine Titans 606 DisplayName 607 UninstallString 700 DirectX does not support the Windows version on the system. 701 One of the required source files could not be found. 702 A file's size could not be verified or was incorrect. 703 A file's date and time could not be verified or were incorrect. 704 A file's version could not be verified or was incorrect. 705 The setup program ran out of disk space during installation. 706 A required .inf file could not be found. 707 The setup program could not find the working directory. 708 An internal error occurred. 709 This version of DirectX on Windows NT has no 3D support. 710 The operating system on your system is not currently supported. 711 The Cancel button was pressed before the application was fully installed. 712 The version of Windows NT on the system does not contain the current version of DirectX.\nAn older version of DirectX may be present, or DirectX may be absent altogether. 713 DirectX was successfully installed on your system, you must now restart Windows for the changes to take effect.\nDo you wish to restart Windows? 714 DirectX was successfully installed on your system. 715 DirectX was not installed on your system. 730 SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DirectPlay 731 DirectSound 732 Software\Microsoft\Multimedia\DirectSound 733 SOFTWARE\Classes\DirectSound 734 windows 735 run 750 32 751 \DDRAW.DLL 752 \DDRAW16.DLL 753 \DSOUND.DLL 754 \DSOUND.VXD 755 \DINPUT.DLL 756 \DINPUT.VXD 757 \VJOYD.VXD 758 \MSANALOG.VXD 759 \DPLAYX.DLL 760 \DPMODEMX.DLL 761 \DPWSOCKX.DLL 762 \D3DRM.DLL 763 \D3DXOF.DLL 764 \D3DPMESH.DLL 765 \D3DIM.DLL 766 \D3DHALF.DLL 767 \D3DRAMPF.DLL 768 \D3DRGBF.DLL 769 \D3DRG8F.DLL 770 \D3DRG16F.DLL 771 \D3DRG24F.DLL 772 \D3DRG32F.DLL 773 \D3DRM8F.DLL 774 \D3DRM16F.DLL 775 \D3DRM24F.DLL 776 \D3DRM32F.DLL 777 \D3DRGBXF.DLL 778 \D3DRG8X.DLL 779 \D3DRG55X.DLL 780 \D3DRG56X.DLL 781 \D3DRG24X.DLL 782 \D3DRG32X.DLL 800 Error in %d line (%s) %s%s%s%s 801 \nInstallation cannot be continued. 810 Syntax error 811 Error has occured while opening file 812 Location comments error 813 Error has occured while reading file 814 Numeric parameter error 815 Not enough memory 816 Unknown option of SECTION-operator 817 Unknown or invalid operator 818 Unknown or invalid operand 819 User`s break 820 Expected END-operator 962 Error open file 963 Error reading file 964 Invalid file 965 Not enough memory 966 Invalid directory 967 Error writing file 968 User`s break. 969 Error creating file 970 Reserved 971 Reserved 972 Reserved 973 Reserved 974 Reserved 975 Reserved 976 Reserved