F-22 Lightning 3 Demo Readme Included in this file are the following sections: KEYCHART NOVAWORLD TIME LIMIT 3DFX SUPPORT D3D SUPPORT MAKING AN INTERNET CONNECTION JOYSTICK ISSUES LANDING GEAR TIPS TO REMEMBER VOICE OVER NET MANUAL WINDOWS' SWAP FILE TECHNICAL SUPPORT Keychart: --------- Following is a list of some of the more important keys for F-22 Lightning 3. General Game Controls: ESC - Exit current mission PAUSE - Pause game E - End mission (only works after primary objectives are complete) O - Mission objectives and current status Y - Recent messages ? - Keyboard controls help General Flight Controls: Arrow keys - Pitch and roll 6 - Engine off 7 - 35% Thrust (taxi speed) 8 - 80% Thrust (landing speed) 9 - 90% Thrust (cruise speed) 0 - 100% Thrust (full military power) Backspace - Afterburner F - Flaps G - Gear B (hold down) - Air and ground brake U - Rudder left I - Rudder right < - HUD dim > - HUD bright N - Cycle steerpoint CTRL E - Eject Easy Flight Controls: A - Autocontrol command menu H - Home (autopilot to the initial approach point) L - Autolevel aircraft CTRL A - Auto-takeoff CTRL F - Auto-follow current target CTRL L - Auto-land the F-22 CTRL M - Auto-match speed with current target CTRL N - Follow route to next steerpoint CTRL Z - Auto-refuel Weapons and Countermeasures: R - Radar on/off ~ - Cycle weapons 1 - Nav mode 2 - Cycle guns mode 3 - Cycle air to air missile mode 4 - Cycle air to ground missile mode 5 - Cycle bomb mode Spacebar - Fire selected weapon ' - Boresight target TAB - Cycle through all available targets (including friendlies) [ and ] - Cycle through enemy targets only C - Chaff D - Flare CTRL J - Jettison all stores CTRL K - Jettison currently selected weapon M - Tactical coordinate map Perspective Controls: F1 - Virtual cockpit view F2 - HUD view F3 - External camera view F4 - Fly-By aircraft view F5 - Target padlock view F6 - Wingman external view F7 - Missile view F8 - Target view F9 - Toggle night goggles F10 - Toggle HUD and HMD F11 - Toggle simple attack display overlay F12 - Toggle 6x time compression External and Virtual Cockpit Camera Controls: S - Zoom in camera CTRL S - Zoom in fast X - Zoom out camera CTRL X - Zoom out fast CTRL Up - Tilt camera up CTRL Down - Tilt camera down CTRL Right - Pan camera right CTRL Left - Pan camera left Keypad Perspective Views: Keypad 2 - Stores display Keypad 4 - Defense display Keypad 5 - Navigation display Keypad 6 - Attack display Keypad 7 - Status display Keypad 8 - Communications display Keypad 9 - Standby flight group display Keypad / - Look out left side of cockpit Keypad * - Look out right side of cockpit Keypad - - Look forward Keypad + - Look out rear of cockpit ("check six") Multiplayer Keys: K - Deathmatch kill total P - Player list Q - Show squadron list CTRL ? - Chat to system operator privately T - Text chat mode CTRL T - Squadron chat ; - Show top 8 players Novaworld Time Limit: --------------------- The F-22 Lightning 3 demo has a time limit for multiplayer play on Novaworld. After this time limit expires, you will no longer be able to join a multiplayer game. The time limit is per game only. Therefore, if more than one game is available, you will have a separate time limit for each game. 3DFX Support: ------------- F-22 Lightning 3 Demo supports 3dfx compatible cards. If you experience problems with the graphics display, it may be because you do not have the most recent Glide drivers. We've found that there are many graphic "glitches" associated with older 3dfx drivers. You should check your video card manufacturers' website for their latest drivers. 3dfx also maintains a website at http://www.3dfx.com . You can find links to most video card manufactures on their site. Also on the site are "reference drivers" for the various 3dfx chipsets (Voodoo, Voodoo Rush, Voodoo 2, Voodoo 3.) These are generic drivers which may not support particular features on your card, but contain the most up-to-date driver fixes. Issues: Voodoo RUSH: Run the game with menus in Windowed mode ONLY. LOSING FOCUS: If the game loses focus to another application (like message notifiers), it will appear to hang. Unless you know the key sequences to force the notifier to return focus the game, you should disable any such programs before running in 3dfx mode. (This also applies to any key sequence which you might regularly use: ALT-TAB, CTL-ESC, etc.) D3D SUPPORT: ------------ DirectX6 or greater is required for Direct3D support. Because of the wide variety of cards available, graphic fidelity may fluctuate from one card to another. Please refer to our website at www.novalogic.com for the latest 3d card information. Note: The Options menu defaults to Glide driver support for 3d hardware. If you have a D3D-only card, you must manually select D3D in the video options menu. MAKING AN INTERNET CONNECTION: ------------------------------ F-22 Lightning 3 Demo can be played multiplayer over the internet through Novaworld. If you want to do this, you must establish an internet connection on your computer. If you use a dial-up internet service, the dial-up connection windows will appear when you attempt to HOST or JOIN a Novaworld game. If it doesn't, your internet preferences may need to be changed. Open the INTERNET control panel and go to the CONNECTIONS page. The option "Connect to the Internet as needed" should be checked. If the connection box does not open automatically, you will need to make the connection before running the game. Open the "Dial-Up Networking" folder found in the Accessories Folder under Programs in the Start menu. Make the connection to your service provider. You can then run the game and play an internet game. JOYSTICK ISSUES: ---------------- HATSWITCH ISSUE: If you are playing the game using a joystick which has a hatswitch, you may experience some problems with the hatswitch switching views when you have not pressed it. You can solve this problem by making a change to the joystick configuration in the Windows 95 control panel. Bring up the Game Controllers control panel, select the joystick and click on the ADVANCED window pane. Near the bottom of the window is a checkbox for 'Poll with interrupts enabled'. Turn this checkbox OFF. Your hatswitch should now work more reliably. LANDING GEAR: ------------- Remember that the F-22 handles and operates differently with the landing gear down. Raising the gear tells the aircraft that it is now in "fighter mode". TIPS TO REMEMBER: ----------------- The TAB key will cycle through all available targets on screen. This includes friendlies as well as enemies. To cycle through a list of only enemy targets, use the [ and ] (bracket) keys. 360 degree radar is available in certain missions as a result of an AWACS operating in the area. If your AWACS is destroyed, you will lose your 360 degree radar. This will make missions more difficult. In most missions, you will be provided with a wingman. Do not forget that your wingman is there. Effective use of the wingman can make missions substantially less difficult. Voice Over Net Manual: ---------------------- We have provided a manual for Voice Over Net in a .PDF format. To view the manual you must install Adobe Acrobat Reader. You can go to www.adobe.com to download Acrobat Reader for free. VOICE.PDF (This is an in depth explanation of VOICE OVER NET.) Windows' Swap File: ------------------- You must have enough free space on your hard drive for Windows to create and maintain a swap file. As a rule of thumb, the game will want to use upwards of 32 megabytes. Always check the free space on your swap drive if you are having troubles. Technical Support: ------------------ If you are having a problem you need assistance with, check our website (http://www.novalogic.com) for up-to-date information on the product. If you do not find the answer to your problem, you can contact us by the following means: email: support@novalogic.com When contacting us by email, note as completely as possible the nature of the problem and particulars about you system (CPU, speed, video and sound card types). Also, please provide a contact number in case there is a problem with email. You can also contact Tech Support by phone during normal business hours (Monday through Friday 9am to 5pm Pacific Time) at the following numbers: Phone: (818) 878-0325 FAX Support Line: (818) 880-3448