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Quick Start...

Here we'll take you through a simple test run that will give you an overall 3DMark score of your computer.

New Benchmark
Check Display and CPU Settings
Run Benchmark

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New Benchmark

When you start 3DMarkā„¢, you get an opening screen:

Click on the New 3DMark Benchmark Button.

openingscreen.gif (7646 bytes)


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Check Display and CPU Settings.

By default you will be running in 800*600 resolution with 16bit color and Double Buffering with the default optimization setting for your processor. If you want to change the Display Settings, click on the 'Change' button.



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Run Benchmark

Then just click on the  Run Benchmark button.

resultmark_b.gif (388 bytes)

After the tests have been completed, 3DMark displays:

  • Overall 3DMarks
    This score is based on the Gamescene 1 and Gamescene 2 performance.
  • Overall CPU 3DMarks
    This is the score from the Synthetic CPU 3D Speed test and it is only affected by the speed of your processor.

From the buttons on the side you can:

  • Describe your project by clicking 'Edit Description'
  • Save your results by 'Save Project'
    (Hint: Save all projects in same testing folder to ease further analysis)
  • 'Result Browser' launches the seperate Result Browser.
  • Click 'HW Upgrade' and 'Global Compare' to take advantage of 3DMark's internet services as a global testing environment.

You've now finished your first benchmark. Now click on the 'Close' button and try different resolutions, color depths and CPU optimization settings!
