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Batch Run Wizard

The Batch Run Wizard is a powerful tool that lets you automate the process of testing a 3D accelerator with different benchmark settings. You can click on the settings and tests you want to run and let the computer do the rest. All project files will be saved to a folder on your computer and you'll be able to launch the Result Browser with all your benchmark runs in one database.

Step 1 of 4 - Rendering and CPU options

Here you can select how many "Benchmark Runs" the batch run will create. You are able to select from multiple resolutions, color depths, Z-buffer depths, Frame Buffer Depths and CPU optimizations. The number of benchmark runs that the current settings will create is displayed at the bottom of the dialog. The estimated time will tell you how long the whole batch run will last. The total time is also depended of Wizard's "Step 2 of 4" where the tests to be run are selected.

Note: Unlike in the normal "Display and CPU options" dialog, here you are able to select settings that might not be possible to initialize on your system, such as a very high resolution and 32bit rendering. These Benchmark Runs will create a project file without any results in it and a text "Failed" in the project and file name.


Step 2 of 4 - Select the tests to be run

You are able to select which tests will be included in your Batch run. The amount of tests selected affects the overall Estimated Time display.

batch-dialog2.gif (21101 bytes)


Step 3 of 4 - File Saving and Project Name settings

All benchmark runs are saved as individual .3dp [3DMark Project] files to a folder on your computer. You are able to select the folder where the files will be saved to (if the folder you've selected doesn't exist, it will be created) and you are able to customize the naming of the projects. 3DMark can create an automatic file name based on the 3D Accelerator name and the used test settings. If you prefer to use your own naming convention, you can do so as well.

An example file name saved by the batch run could look like:

"C:\My Batch Run\Voodoo2 3D Accelerator 0000 800x600x16 Z16 TB AMD 3DNow!(tm).3dp"

This means that the project was run with a "Voodoo2 3D Accelerator" 3D card, the 0000 is the sequence number in the batch, 800x600x16 means the screen resolution was 800*600 in 16-bit color, Z16 means 16bit Z-buffer was used and TB means triple frame buffering. AMD 3DNow!(tm) denotes the used CPU optimization.

Same kind of automated settings can be used for the Project Name that will be visible to you in Result Browser.

Note: It is recommended to run a few smaller batch runs before moving to large batches, to make sure you understand how the file saving and project settings work.


Step 4 of 4 - Summary

Batch Run Wizard is now ready to begin. You are given a briefing of the selections you've made in the earlier Wizard Steps, and the Batch Run will begin when you click on the Finish button. The progress of the batch run is displayed during the loading screens between each test.

Notes: The actual time of the batch run depends heavily on the system. Therefore the estimated time may not match the actual time taken by the test batch. Usually the estimated time is longer than actual time taken by the tests.

You can also follow the batch run progress from the title screens that appear in between the tests.

The Options you have selected also apply to batch run so you can disable title screens or have each of the tests to be run more than one time.
