Installing the Runtime - Double-click on the executable file (UE2Runtime-22262001_Demo.exe), then click OK. - Click on Setup to begin the installation. - Once the installation files have uncompressed, you'll be presented with the UnrealEngine2 Runtime installation dialog. Click on Next to view the software licensing agreement (also online). You must agree to the terms to use the Runtime. If you agree, click on I Agree to proceed. - On the next screen, you can enter an alternative location to install the Runtime; the default is recommended. Click on Next to continue. - If you are installing more than one copy of the stock Runtime software, you should read the notes for the two Runtime association checkboxes. You may want to change one or both of the options. - Finally, click Next, then Install. When the installation finishes, you can Launch the UnrealEngine2 Runtime, read the Release Notes (also online) or visit the UnrealEngine2 Runtime web site (this site). Using the Runtime - To use the Runtime, launch it by either selecting Launch UnrealEngine2 Runtime from the final installer screen, or by selecting Start, Programs, UnrealEngine2 Runtime and clicking on Launch UnrealEngine2 Runtime. - The Runtime splash screen will appear, followed by the main menu. The Runtime comes with a simple example map for you to wander around and familiarize yourself with the Runtime's controls and view some of the most basic effects possible with the software. - Click on Load Map to open the level. Your mouse controls your viewpoint; this is called mouselook. Your keyboard controls your movement independent of your viewpoint, just as you are able to walk while also turning your head to look around. Use the up and down arrow keys or W and S to move forward and backward. Use the left and right arrow keys or A and D to step left and right (not turn left and right, but rather move laterally; sidestep). Additionally, the F key toggles between flying mode and walking mode. - Pressing Esc brings up a menu where you can close the level and return to the main screen, access your settings, or quit the program entirely. To get started making your own levels using this runtime demo, go to the Unreal Developer Network ( where detailed documentation and tutorials are available. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ System Requirements: Windows 98/Me/2000/XP Minimum Processor: Intel Pentium III or AMD Athlon 733 MHz CPU Memory: 128 MByte RAM Hard Disk Space: 65 MByte free HD space Video: 16 MB NVIDIA TNT2-class or other DirectX version 8-compliant video card1 Sound: Windows-compatible sound card2 DirectX: DirectX version 8.1b3 Modem: 33.3 Kbps4 Windows 98/Me/2000/XP Recommended Processor: Intel Pentium III or AMD Athlon 733 MHz CPU Memory: 256 MByte RAM Hard Disk Space: 65 MByte free HD space Video: 32 to 128 MB NVIDIA GeForce2 or ATI Radeon1 Sound: Sound Blaster Audigy series sound card2 DirectX: DirectX version 8.1b3 Modem: 56.7 Kbps4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Unreal is a registered trademark of Epic Games Inc., Raleigh, NC USA. All rights reserved. Before opening the Unreal 2004 demo (UnrealEngine2 Runtime Demo version), users must read and agree to the EULA included in the Unreal folder