The Settlers - Demo-Version General Information: Did you ever hear about "The Settlers"? Well, as a reader of games- magazines you should have heard about this game. It has gained loads of prizes and overwhelming ratings all over Europe in the Amiga version and now we can announce the PC-version! This is the opportunity for you take a first brief look at the PC-version of "The Settlers"... Please be aware, that this is only a demonstration of the final game. A lot of functions aren't included, yet, for example the S-VGA graphics mode and that the game will run only one hour before returning to the main-screen again. Installation: Boot from your harddisk as usual and create a new directory with "md settlers". Then jump into this new directory, insert the disk and install the game with "a:\install". Wait until the installation-process is finished. Starting the Game: Start this game by typing "seddlers" (sorry for that spelhink mistaike). If you own a sound-board, start the game using one of the following commands: "sb", for Soundblaster "sbp", for Soundblaster Pro "pas", for Pro-Audio-Spektrum or "algold", for Adlib Gold. In this demo-version, the standard-settings for IRQ are supposed. Gameplay: You can play the game with the mouse. If a second player wants to take part in your game, this player needs to use a joystick. After loading the program the title screen appears and with a single mouse-click you'll enter the main menu. In the middle of the screen you can adjust the type of game you wish. You can choose from demo, 1-player and 2-player-modes. On the lower half of the screen you'll see the slots for the maximum of four contestants. The three bars next to the pictures represent the stock (blue), the intelligence (green) and the birthrate (red). Press the START symbol on the left. The computer now calculates the game world before the game actually starts. On the new screen you'll recognise a part of the world and 5 major symbols on the lower edge of the screen. In the following we will call the 5 symbols "menu". When we speak of "special clicks" we mean holding down the right mouse-button before pressing the left mouse-button. Holding the right button pressed before pressing the left one is the "special click". Next you might want to know how to move the area you can momentarily look at. Hold down the right mouse-button and move the mouse in any direction you like. Do you see that? It moves. Okay, but what will you do when you quickly need to reach an area that is still far away? In this case you maybe appreciate the map- function. Just click on the map-icon in the menu (the one right in the middle - we're sure you guessed that). If you now click somewhere on the map, the screen will automatically switch to that location. Firstly you must construct your fairy castle. This isn't as complicated as it may sound. For huge buildings like the castle you should look for flat ground. Because it is not always easy to find the kind of ground you need, we implemented a very helpful function. With a special-click on the left icon in the menu the program shows you all of the possible locations you can position a building. Choose the position you want for your castle and click on the left icon again. You will now see the appearance of the castle. As the castle is for "free"; every other building "costs" you stones and wooden planks. Once the castle has been erected, you'll notice a border around your castle, that defines the area you then can start building other houses. If you want to build houses, you can use the help-funtion mentioned before to find a proper location. Then click on the left icon again and what you'll then get is a variety of houses you can choose from. Sometimes there is an arrow on the edge of the "buildings-window", so you can flip to another part of this menu, enabling you to choose from a greater variety of buildings. After the building has been chosen, a founderstone appears in that position or, if it is a larger building, a cross marking the spot where the workers have to level the ground first, will appear instead. To erect the building make sure that there is a pathway between the location the house will be built at and the castle. Paths always run from one flag to another. Click on one of the two flags (the one in front of the castle and the other in front of the chosen location. On the left side of the menu the icon changes into the pathway-icon which you should click on next. New symbols appear around the flag, representing the directions that are possible to build a path. A symbol coloured with yellow and red stripes means you can't build the path in that direction. The different symbols vary from "very steep" to "level" but you mustn't worry about this at the moment. Just build a link between the two flags and watch the "tiny" men walk out of the castle. To do this you must click on these symbols and watch the path get longer and longer. You must click on a symbol every time you want to lengthen the path. Now your Settlers start working. A so-called carrier leaves the castle, responsible for the delivery of the goods that are needed at the construction site. A further worker with a yellow helmet walks to the building-site to erect the house or to level the ground with his shovel first. Stones and planks are delivered to the site and after a short while the building will be finished and prepared for the foresters, stonecutters, knights etc. Of course you don't have to wait for the persons to come into the buildings. You can immediately start to give further orders for more houses. To enlarge your territory you must build watch-huts, watch-towers or garrisons. When they are finished and some knights moved into them the border will be moved out and you have more space to build further houses. The two symbols on the right lead you into some statistics and option-menus, but the description of these would be too much for this brief instruction. We hope that this little manual was able to provide you a brief overview over the game and that you could successfully establish your very first little settlement, even if we didn't have the space to mention all of the points of interest. Your Blue Byte Team, April 1994