TEXDEF v1.0 THE "How To" of Texture replacement. DISCLAIMERS =========== THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. In addition, MDC Development specifically disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose with respect to defects in the program license granted herein in particular, and without limiting operation of the program license with respect to any particular application, use, or purpose. In no event shall MDC Development be liable for any claims for lost profits or any other commercial damage, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential or other damage. id Software cannot and will not provide support for TEXREF. id Software will not provide support for ANY file that has been modified or created by TEDREF. It is illegal to distribute the registered version of the DOOM.WAD file in any form, original or modified. COPYRIGHT NOTICES ================= TEXDEF - Copyright 1994 by MDC Development TEXDEF is NOT an id Software product. DOOM is a trademark of id Software. PURPOSE ======= By popular demand here's my step by step procedure to give DOOM your very own "Custom Look". This is not the only way, and I'm sure its not the easiest, but its what I use, and it works. You will need the following programs. The Compuserve file name is listed with each description. They should all be in LIB 8, Action Game Aids, of the GAMERS forum. DEU v5.1 by Brendon Wyber and Rapha‰l Quinet, this is the DOOM level editor that I use. Version 5.1 allows you to include your own replacement textures. (DEU.ZIP) DMGRAPH v1.0 by Bill Neisius. This will allow you to extract the patch in GIF format then replace you modified version in the WAD file. (DMGRAP.ZIP) WAD Tools V1.0 by Jeff Miller. (WADTLS.ZIP) Everyone should real the UNOFFICIAL DOOM SPECS by Matt Fell. I believe the latest version is 1.3. (DMSPEC.ZIP) You could do it all with just DEU and DMGRAPH, but I think extracting raw data is easier with WT. So here's what you do; 1. Create you graphic in GIF format with any popular paint program. 2. Make sure you respect the dimensions of the PATCH you plan to replace. You could issue a DMGRAPH SKY1 -v to find the size and insertion point. 3. Backup you current DOOM.WAD file. Use PKZIP to create a 4+ MG copy. 4. Use WT.EXE and EXPORT the original resource a. Put the highlight line on SKY1 b. Press F5 c. give it a name..... SKY1.ORG 5. Use DMGRAPH to replace your patch a. DMGRAPH SKY1 -v get a listing of the insertion points b. DMGRAPH SKY1 -s MYSKY1.GIF -i 127,123 6. Use WT to extract the new RAW resource a. Put the Highlight line on SKY1 b. Press F5 c. Give it a name...... MYSKY1.RAW 7. Replace the original graphic. a. Keep the Highlight line on SKY1 b. Press F6 c. Tell it than of the original graphic...... SKY1.ORG 8. Use DEU to build a PWAD with the new graphic a. I MYSKY1.RAW SKY1 This builds a SKY1.WAD with just that new resource 9. Use DEU to combine your custom level WAD with your custom graphic WAD a. R MYE1M1.WAD This reads in your custom level b. R SKY1.WAD This reads in your custom graphic c. G TOTAL.WAD This groups them together in one WAD !! That's it !! Now run DOOM -file TOTAL.WAD to see your level with the new SKY1. I hope you don't get lost with all the steps. Just do the one by one. If I have made a mistake, or left something out drop me a line. *** BIG WARNING *** If you use BSP.EXE to correct the NODES in your WAD, you MUST run it BEFORE you group your level WAD with your graphic WAD. If you run BSP on TOTAL.WAD you will end up with a WAD without the graphic changes. Same goes for editing the WAD with DEU. When you save the WAD, it won't keep the custom graphic. You MUST re-group it. *** *** *** *** *** I hope you don't get lost with all the steps. Just do the one by one. If I have made a mistake, or left something out drop me a line. Matt Crownover CI$ id 70440,13 Internet mattdc@bangate.compaq.com