================================================================ Title : Citadel of Sorrow (CITADEL.WAD) Author : Wilco van den Dool Email Address : None! Contact me at the Fidonet Gaming area or Gamesnet for comments Misc. Author Info : This is my first WAD and I think it worked out quite allright.Dunno if I'll make any more though.. Description : A Medieval Castle with some nice touches. Check out the torture chamber ! Also lotsa hidden passages and detailed rooms. Additional Credits to : The Guys at ID for making such a kickass game, Raphael Quinet & Brendon Wyber,authors of DEU, Colin Reed,author of BSP, Albert van Os for additional Sound Effects and playtesting, and finally Michael van den Dool for playtesting ================================================================ * Play Information * Episode and Level # : E1M1 Single Player : Yes Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes Difficulty Settings : Yes, 2: Easy (1-3) & Hard(4) New Sounds : Yes New Music : Yes New Graphics : No * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Build Time : 70-80 hours in a total of 2 weeks Editor(s) used : Deu 5.21 GCC, Bsp 1.2X Known Bugs : Due to the enormous complexity of this level, there are HOM effects in front of the castle, especially when you're on the right/left side and in the middle when there are a lot of doors open on the screen.I figure I can't do anything about this 'cos doom can only handle so many Sidedefs at once. Anyway these glitches don't show up in an important area of the wad,so just don't go there ok! * Misc. Notes * I wanted to make this WAD even bigger but I had to cut some rooms out because of Doom's limitations at the number of things it can handle.I noticed that this number decreases as you put in more linedefs & sidedefs,so I had to put it down to about 415 (instead of 490 which I thought was the highest number it could handle) to avoid lockups when trying to save a game or when exiting Doom,anyway,I hope that ID can do something about this,maybe in Doom 1.5(or will it be 1.6?) * Copyright / Permissions * You may distribute this file provided you include this file, with no modifications. Authors may use this file as a base for additional levels, but at least give me some credit then ! * Where to get this WAD *