HOMERS' DOOM ============ Created by Dave Sawford and Andrew Gerrard Homers' Doom is a complete collection of Simpson sounds to replace the ones that come with Doom. Let's face it - if a moon base is infested with demonic monsters and needs cleaning up, Homer J. Simpson is the man to do it. In creating Homers' Doom we made over 100 samples from about 80 different episodes, but only used 45 of them. This means that there were some classic quotes that are not used. We felt that it was better to use sounds and quotes that fitted the game rather than try to include all the characters. Homers' Doom was created by two rabid Simpsons fans from Cambridge, England. We believe that Homer is God and we try to emulate him in everything we do. The tricky part is putting on 150 pounds and making all our hair fall out. If you want to contact us you can either log on to The Shed BBS (+44 (0)223 563468 - 6pm-8am UK) or E-mail us : Dave Sawford : dws@ras.phy.cam.ac.uk Andrew Gerrard : acg12@cus.cam.ac.uk Get the chainsaw! Get the dunut! Whoo-hoo!!