DOOM V1.2 Frontend Menu by Joerg Kieseler This program is free for all, but USE IT AT YOUR OWN RISK. DOOMFE.EXE -The main menu program D.BAT -The start program (always use this to start the frontend) PNUMBERS.DAT -The phonenumber directory (max. 20 Phonenumbers) DFE.TXT -This textfile 1. Copy all the files into your DOOM directory 2. Edit the PNUMBERS.DAT file The format of this file is very important "Name #1 Phonenumber #1" 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890 | | The name has a Startposition of the phonenumber. limitation of 19 The phonenumber is limited by the max. string- characters length of 255 charcters. Example: "Charly Brown P0987654321123456789" | Use "P" to switch to Puls-dial if you have to 3. Start the menu using D.BAT Have fun and happy dooming!! :-)))) Joerg Kieseler