Welcome to Doomedit Version 1.00 -------------------------------- Alrighty, what you've all been waiting for.. A doom editor! Of course, this thing can't edit everything.. In fact, all it can edit is the items laying around. But you can do lots of things with those items such as: 1. move them around; place the boss guy right in front of the entrance! 2. change items; change that BFG 9000 into a big brain. 3. change angle; make those rifle guys ambush! 4. save it all (to disk of course) Plus much much more! (well, in future versions at least. Directions ========== All you gotta do is place doomedit in the DOOM directory or any other directory,run doomedit filename; Where filename is the name of the doom .wad file you wish to edit. Once your in the mapeditor, press '?' for a list of available commands. Keep in mind however, all changes are PERMENANT when saved to disk. Future versions will allow changes to be saved to another file. ID == Finally, this program is adhering to IDs request that ALL editors only work with the registered versions of games. So in other words, it won't work with the shareware version (if you somehow hack the .wad file to look like a registered .wad file, it won't work anyway because of the way doomedit is structured). Registration ============ Last thing.. Registration.. This program is NOT free but NOT shareware. I call it Collegeware. All I request is that you send a college recommendation to me at one of my email accounts displayed at the end doomedit when you exit. All right.. I think that's it! CYA next version! Items.lst file ============== The structure of it really isn't that hard. Take a look, you'll understand once you see it. Try to make sure they stay in chronological order if you find out somemore items, I know the list is not complete. If one of you guys gets a complete list of all the items, be a nice guy and upload it to me and the place where you found doomedit. I think we'll all love ya for it Special Special Special Thanks to RoggerF for supplying the DOOM specs! ======= ======= ======= ====== ------- ========== DOOM is registered or whatever to ID software (what great people) Doomedit was created by Jeff Lee(Carrot Games) DISCLAIMER ========== Jeff Lee (Carrot Games) takes no responsibility for any damages this program may inflict on your Computer System. This program has been tested on my system several times and almost all bugs are worked out. If your system blows up or starts having intelligient converesations with you, hey, its not my problem. MAKE BACKUPS JUST IN CASE! (I never did though)