After playing Deathmatch on Episode 1 Level 1 several times, it occurred to me that the distribution of weapons is not particularly fair. The western portion of the map has all the goodies and way to much ammo, whereas the "lobby" (as I call it) has none. With this new .DTE file, DM2.DTE, I have replaced the green armor with blue, placed a chaingun "upstairs", a shotgun to the right of the entrance, a rocket launcher in the computer room, and adequate ammo along the way to the ziz-zag lava area. I also eliminated several boxes of rocket/shotgun ammo in the outdoor lava area and added a couple of short cuts to the outdoor area. To use this .DTE file, you will need the latest version of DTEDIT. Load DTEDIT and edit Episode 1 Map 1. Load DM2.DTE and then save the changes to your .WAD file. I have also included E1M1.DTE (the original version of the map) so that you can return the map to its defaults if you wish. Happy Hunting. Steve Clemetson