DOOM 2 Netmatch 3 on 1 Networked game!! This is a four player network game I recorded in doom2, on level 1. Three of my friends teamed up against me and we tallied up the frags by adding thier scores together and comparing them with mine. The players are: Grey: Dave King (Using the keyboard) Green: Billy Baum (Using the keyboard) Red: Mike Shelton (Using the mouse) VS: Brown: Tim Ash (Using the mouse) The options used to record were: -altdeath Turbo was not used. To run this recording, copy the tbdm2-t.lmp to your doom2 directory and type: doom2 -playdemo tbdm2-t The final frag score was: Dave: 41 Billy: 12 Mike: 37 Tim: 163 Watch this demo to see team tactics used against a superior player. Happy DOOMing! Tim (The Timinator)