================================================================ Title : DMatch Author : Erik Philips Email Address : CIS 74737,1461 Misc. Author Info : Can create almost anything you want, But you have to ask to get it. Description : This patch will change all (except cyberdemon) enemies into super marines. To give an example of super, I'll just tell you that many guys keep shooting at you even if you are out of site, until you hit them, then they might stop attacking. Additional Credits to : I am not sure who (Matt Fell I think) can up with the idea of changing monsters to marines. ================================================================ * Play Information * Episode and Level # : ALL Single Player : The best way you can practice deathmatch without Another person being there. Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes, Fun as hell! Can't tell who is who. Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes, Better yet! Watch you back! Difficulty Settings : Um, if anyone can get by E1M1 in UV then you like myself are really really good! New Sounds : Sorta, not new, changed New Graphics : Sorta, not new, changed New Music : No, But check out my armormus.wad! Demos Replaced : None * Construction * Build Time : 8 intense hours of making sure everything looks right, I mean if you switch the Caco with a marine he just looks like he is floating! But not anymore! The roc2skul patch is the only known patch that a monster (cyberdemon) shoots another monster than can be killed. Editor(s) used : Dehacked v2.0 (Rules!) Known Bugs : None, that I found but please please tell me of any. Comments : Let me know what you think, even if you hate it. * Copyright / Permissions * You may do whatever you want with this file. But if you upload this somewhere else, modify, or distribute it please give me credit. * Where to get this WAD * CIS Gamers Forum