You've been fighting the demons of hell for far too long, your injuries have made you realize what you are made of as you keep on going through all the pain and tortures. Sometimes you wonder if you can keep on running and carrying all you do. Sure, you always find a source of energy to keep going, but why are the stim packs there? Who put them there? Do you really think someone has been on your side, placing weapons and health potions conviently for your advantage? You've been poisoned and brainwashed. The potion felt really good when you drank it, but you did not know that you've been spending your time being part of the Dark Lord Imp's experiment. You've been laying on an operating table for months. You don't know what happened after you drank the first health potion. You've been experiencing overextended periods of abnormal R.E.M. sleep. You were chosen to be the body used in the creation of Satan's Super Marine. Only one with a good conscience and will to do good and destroy evil could serve as the ultimate blasphemous creation. You had but one last step in the process coming to you, the removal of your pure blood for transfusion with the Death Cyber-Emperor. But, of course you know that you eventually get away, get new powers, blah, blah, blah, you fill in the rest how you want, but now you have within you: I-Strange Magical Powers a-Power to manipulate time (used to speed up your arm movements) b-Mastery of Four New Magicks 1-Power of the Flame of Eternal Blood 2-The Blue Flame Thing 3-The Glowing Blue Balls that cause MFD (Mega Damage) 4-The Bullet Puffs out of your hand type thing II-A Whole Lot of Hit Points But to put a damper on the "I am GOD, show me Zeus so he can worship me and may all the monsters in DOOM explode at my command!" theme that you thought was coming next... III-Beefed up hit points and weapons for the monsters. But even with the modified monsters, you could still get Zeus (or the Cyberdemon) to bow with the modified weapon replace for the BFG-9000. IV-Other Stuff a-*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,* Tips- Knowledge and use of cheat codes is recommended, but is not a requirement. -GVR 74537,1546 (Another empty mailbox on Compuserve) *You can use any of these ideas for your own patch file, etc. If you mention my name, thanks, but it wasn't that big of a deal (not that it was easy, but I did it to make DOOM funner for me). -THIS SHOULD ALSO WORK WITH DOOM II!