Zibar2 The return to hell This is a doom2 level created using WINDEU and WINTEX It was designed on a 486sx25 it has 5 levels of difficulty and is a follow up to my previous upload Zibar01 also available on compuserve in the forum ACTION. There are no known bugs although I would like to know why if I put the newly designed wall in sector 4, and the adjoining main sector. Make it double sided it appears as if the wall goes above and below. This is a particularly hard game and is designed for a single player. It takes about 12 minutes to complete on average. If you have any comments please contact me on compuserve. It took approximately 50 hours to develop this level watch out for the follow up Zibar03 which will be a multi player game - I think. To play wad:- DOOM2 -FILE ZIBAR02.WAD Note Full directory must be specified in note in same directory as doom2. Regards D.S.Jones 100520,1235