================================================================ Title : Eugen's World of DOOM v1.3 :-) Filename : WORLDDM.WAD Author : Eugen Woiwod Email Address : Eugen_Woiwod@Mindlink.bc.ca Description : A Graphics PWAD which works with DOOM/ULTIMATE DOOM/DOOM ][ Read README.TXT for what I replaced :-) Misc : There will most likely be updates to my WORLDDM.WAD, as I find some more GOOD graphic's. Also read WHATSNEW.TXT for what has been changed/added in v1.3 of WORLDDM.WAD Instructions : Just put WORLDDM.WAD, WORLD.BAT, and DEUSF.EXE into either your DOOM or DOOM ][ directory, type SET DOOMWADDIR=(wherever DOOM or DOOM2 is) (e.g SET DOOMWADDIR=D:\DOOM2) and run WORLD.BAT After WORLD.BAT is finished, then you can use WORLDDM.WAD :-) Be Warned though, once DEUSF has done it's job with WORLDDM.WAD, it will be anywhere from 2 to 5 megs in size. This can't be helped since DEUSF has to add the rest of the sprites from DOOM.WAD or DOOM2.WAD into WORLDDM.WAD. If DEUSF didnt do that, and you tried running the 1.3 meg WORLDDM.WAD(before DEUSF had done it's job with WORLDDM.WAD), DOOM/DOOM ][ would crash. Tips : Put WORLDDM.WAD(and optionally WORLDSND.WAD) as the VERY last PWAD when using DOOM -FILE, DOOM2 -FILE, or when using DM.EXE (included with DOOM/ULTIMATE DOOM/DOOM2 v1.9) Additional Credits to : ID Software for DOOM/ULTIMATE DOOM/DOOM ][/Heretic :-) Olivier Montanuy for DeuTex 3.6/Deusf 3.6 :-) Stephen Johnson, sysop of Alley Drive Software BBS (604) 463-1776 for his help in testing WORLDDM.WAD :-) ================================================================ * Play Information * Game : DOOM/ULTIMATE DOOM/DOOM ][ Episode and Level # : N/A Single Player : No Cooperative 2-4 Player : No Deathmatch 2-4 Player : No Difficulty Settings : No New Sounds : Yes New Graphics : Yes New Music : No Demos Replaced : None * Construction * Base : Various Graphic's/PWAD's (Look at README.TXT for more info) Editor(s)/Utils used : DeuTex v3.6, DeuSF v3.6, Nwt v1.03 Known Bugs : None that I know of :-) * Copyright / Permissions * If you make your own Graphic's PWAD, and use parts of my WORLDDM.WAD, then please, credit me, the author :-) * Where to get this WAD * FTP sites: FTP.CDROM.COM /pub/doom/graphics BBS numbers: Alley Drive Software BBS (604) 463-1776