Level: Wasted.wad for Doom2 level 4 Description: Large but intense deathmatch level. Known bugs: A strange invisible wall runs through the middle of the large outer area. This wall can be walked through but not shot through with the chaingun or the shotgun. Rockets yes, plasma yes, bullets no. Deathmatch 2-4: yes Cooperative 2-4: yes One player: yes Difficulty settings: yes (0,1,or 2 cyberdemons) Monsters: yes (mostly for entertainment) New stuff: no There are a lot of secret areas in this level that can be very helpful if discovered. Do a lot of exploring and experimenting. Do whatever you want with this level, but just make sure I get credit for it. Uploaded by author Cyberdemon 74721,3343. Please e-mail me any comments/suggestions concerning this level.