DEATHMATCH TACTICS: Firstly, there is no substitute for experience, this text will never suggest to the contrary. ====================================================================== Some general tips: 1) Use a mouse with accelerated response 2) Use a reasonably fast PC (P100 = reasonalby fast :) 3) ALWAYS use high detail, full screen 4) If you can, be the darker coloured player 5) Use sound wads that determine DSOOF from DSNOWAY 6) Play more and more and more! ====================================================================== OK, what would you do in this circumstance - you have 10% health and your opponent is holding a double barrel and he is healthy? In an outdoor area, get in doors. Get a double barrel. If that's not possible, get a rocket launcher. Set up an ambush. Chances are if he has knocked you down to that health, he will know you are weak and become very self confident, and drop his guard. Sit and wait, maybe push against a wall in a corridor, then hide and wait for him to investigate. Once he blunders along feeling self satisfied, rocket him! He will then be more aware of your cunning, so outsmart him again by stalking the double barrel. If he is a good player, chances are, he'll want that weapon, and he may not start near it, so take the opportunity to run for it, get it, and hide near it. When your opponent gets it, and walks past, paste him, being sure to give it some "lead" - shoot infront of him to ensure he gets the blast full on. What would you do if the BFG was going off like crazy in your opponent's hand? Well, you don't want to go outside, that is a lethal mistake. You want to lure him into a less exposed area. And since it takes some time to fire, use this to your advantage. Track him, listen to his movements. When you think you know where he is, shoot in some area with the pistol or single shotgun, to get him complacent. Then duck around a corner with the double barrel and wait. If he charges past shoot wildly, to miss. He will turn around to look, probably press fire, and then you just blow him away before the BFG round comes out. When engaged in rocket duals outside, or even if it's you with the rocket and him with the sotgun, the best thing to do is keep your distance and move around in seemingly random motions. It will make you a very hadr target. And while you are doing this, shoot evrywhere BUT at the target. As he will be dodging about like a scared rabbit, you want to aim anywhere but at him. I find a good tactic is to aim towards any possible shelter first, because if he notices a hail of rockets coming his way, he may well want to take cover - straight into your intelligent rocket. Get your 'flick' perfected. That's the speed and accuracy with which you can react to someone running past you. In Doom, players run so fast, that you have to be grease lightening to hit anyone at close range when they are running past. That is why we never use the keyboard, it's simply not fast enough for those close quarter battles. The 'flick' should also be perfected so you can rotate 180 and shoot backwards with perfect accuracy in less than the blink of an eye, so if anyone was chaingunning you in the back they're history. BFG usage. This weapon is not liked by a lot of people simply because they can't use it properly. It is most effective in 4 player matches where you can claim mulitple frags when the other three are bickering with shotguns in an open area. It is also most effective when you shoot at a close wall, and the ricochet kills the player in view. It also has a very large spread, so you don't have to be so accurate with it, rather like the double barrel. Keep a cool head - don't let a spate of deaths get ontop of you - that only renders the other complacent so use that to your advantage, get HIM bated instead! Practice makes perfect - it really does - you get to learn exactly by how much to lead your sites on a target, exactly when to shoot the rocket, you get quicker on the draw - when two people bump into each other in a corridor - who has the fastest hand? and most importantly, you get to know the other player and his habits. It may seem a little extreme, but you naturally get to predict the other player's actions, and naturally react to them. You'll see, it'll come with practice. Make a potential deathmatch level with areas that you would usually find in good levels. Populate it with monsters of different kinds in different areas. Enter the game single player on skill 5 and survive as long as you can on the health and weaponary provided.