Ravenloft Doom - Secrets List ============================= This file and RAVENLFT.BMP describe all the secrets and traps of the WAD file Ravenloft Doom. The numbers on this file refer to the red numbers on the BMP file. 1. The lateral walls of the starting room lower after the player leaves it. 2. There is a secret door behind the chair in the dining room. 3. On the room with the double shotgun, there is a secret door with a secret passage to the great stairway that begins at #3a. 4. The barrier on the lower steps of the stairs may be lowered by the switch in #15. 5. There is a secret door at the long corridor, with the rocket launcher. 6. At the north wall of the guard post (two former sergeants) there is a secret door. 7. Another secret door connects the two corridors here. 8. There is a secret door in front of the throne. 9. A secret passage connects the bedchamber and the alcoved corridor. 10. There is a secret door behind the hearth. 11. There is another secret passage behind #10. 12. A secret door on the south corridor contains the plasma gun. 13. The chamber of the great treasures contains a megasphere and a lot of ammo. 14. There is a secret door behind the box of shells. The backpack is here. 15. The switch in this room lowers the metal barrier in #4. 16. There is a secret door behind the walls of the officer's room. 17. The floor of this corridor lowers and allows passage to the dungeons in #19. This trap works once only. 18. This switch raises the floor of #17 again. 19. On the corridor there are five teleport traps that transport the player to the adjoining cells. Look at the ceiling or at the automap in order to avoid them. 20. This crypt contains a teleport to #22. 21. Three teleports surround the entrance to crypt #22. They teleport the player to crypt #21a. 22. This crypt contains both a teleport to and a teleport from crypt #20. The yellow key is also here (for the door in #23). 23. The exit.