================================================================ Title : Sonic Doom Filename : SD.WAD Author : Doria Biddle Email Address : 72734,1003 Misc. Author Info : Classified Information Description : You stand in a quaint little village. And it's very quiet. (Yes, too quiet.) Roam a bit, nothing seems to be amiss. But if you scratch the surface of this peaceful abode you will find the gutters crawling with all kinds of mutant life forms. Frankly, you don't care what they do as long as they stay below where they belong...but they just can't resist the instinct to come to the surface. Additional Credits to : Everyone everywhere. ================================================================ * Play Information * Game : DOOM II Episode and Level # : MAP01 Single Player : Yes Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Never tried it...but the setup is there. Difficulty Settings : Yes New Sounds : No New Graphics : No New Music : No Demos Replaced : None * Construction * Base : New level from scratch. Editor(s) used : DoomCAD. Known Bugs : A few texture ripples here and there. * Copyright / Permissions * Please use and abuse this file as you wish. Just give me credit. * Where to get this WAD * CompuServe!