All these wads were made by me Midiguy (Dale B),they are for doom2 and are strictly deathmatch.And all level 1 maps except hellstar.wad which is three maps.All I ask is that they are to be left as they are,Don't F*** with them. All the wads were made with edmap 1.31 and ...1.40,and each took about 30 to 40 min. to make. If you have any comments about these wads,e-mail me at Wads include : bilzbubb.wad dethfest.wad franken.wad hellstar.wad holyshit.wad LB-frag.wad Map1sux.wad Run.wad Slayer.wad These wads work best with DWANGO :) I,Midiguy can also be reached at the Long Beach server of DWANGO..