================================================================ Title : Qyv's house of illusions Version 1.0 Filename : qyvhouse.wad Author : Qyv Email Address : rnakahar@uhunix.hawaii.edu Misc. Author Info : Unofficial DooM champ of 808 (Hawaii) Got tired of seeing all the lame wads piling in Description : First of all I will admit this is my first wad ever made. It took awhile to learn the different editors... There are plenty of special effects in these 2 deathmatch levels so take the time to look them over before challenging someone. If you forget some of the secrets there is always a computer map in one of the rooms. IMHO this is the most detailed house wad I have seen to date, if anyone has seen better please let me know. The 2 levels are almost exactly the same in every way, except one is in daytime (with night sky?) and the 2nd is in pitch dark night. You will not be able to use the lightswitches during the first level but will work in the night. Also, the switches are not visible so bang on the walls or use a map editor to find them... There are enough to turn off practically every light in the house. I reccomend learning level 1 very well before trying a deathmatch on level 2, unless you like stumbling around in the dark. The helmets now up your armor 20% instead of 1%, and your screen will flash very brightly (from putting on the helmet?) for a couple seconds... 1 way walls and glass, blocking all weapons. Btw the floating eyeball things are supposed to be fans hehe. Alot of time was spent finding the right textures. Hints : I can't put all the secrets and strategies down cause there's so much, but heres a few. There are 2 teleporters (and a slime waterfall to get a bfg) where the driveway exits to the street. The left tele will put you on the TV, where you can shoot the wooden kitchen wall placed a little to the left. This will open a small room in the hall to get a backpack. If you are careful when getting the pack, you can keep the door open for later on... Try walking on my synthesizer... =) Walk along the brick wall until you can get across to the blood falls, ride it up to tele to the plasma gun on the table. Use the observation room to watch other players unnoticed, until they decide to check that room... The barrel in the observation room will instantly kill any player near it. Additional Credits to : Matthew Mauger for his glass walls idea Creator of Outpost21.wad for the night sky grafx Tim Ash for night level idea (from Boothill) Oliver Montanuy for Wintex Data Exchange BBS for providing incredible 4 player deathmatches at 1 dollar a month for 2 hours each day (Yea!) ID ================================================================ * Play Information * Level # : MAP01, MAP02 Single Player : Yes to have a look around... Cooperative 2-4 Player : Nope, no starts. Deathmatch 2-4 Player : YES! Difficulty Settings : Yes skill 1-2 no monsters, 3-4 2 imps and a demon New Sounds : Nope. Maybe later... New Graphics : Yes a couple TV animations and textures New Music : No! Music ruins the mood (Unless its NIN) Demos Replaced : Maybe a deathmatch lmp later. * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : Deth & Wintex Known Bugs : Only 1 which I could not get rid of... The far 4 corners of the house's perimeter have HOM due to too many lines in view. No way to correct this other than a simpler design (no!) so I left it. Should not effect gameplay too much. Wad makers looking for a bug challenge may want to check out the main bathroom. I used a second sector for a section of the wall between the bathroom and the hallway, because the original sector caused a invisible barrier not on the map. (Even in the wad editor) No I dont mean the bathtub wall... Try erasing the second sector and pulling the first one in its place and you'll see what I mean. (Also the reason why the light switch is on another wall, due to wrong way linedef for second sector) * Copyright / Permissions* Do whatever the hell you want with this wad as long as you put my name on the credits. (It's easy 3 little letters Q, Y, V.) Tis my handle really, want to know my name go check my email address. Cdrom distributers also are welcome, but I would appreciate a copy of the CD being made... =) *Other DooM stuff by Qyv* Qyvweapons dehacked patch: Energy cannon, rifle, energy mine, flamethrower... Monster Suits dehacked patch: Deathmatch your favorite monster\weapons Sticky weapons dehacked patch: Weapon explosions stay onscreen, SFX, ect. -Qyv