================================================================= Title : Punchit.wad Author : Nick Anderson CIS Address : 1000074,2455 Description : 1st I have released. Lots of monsters, rooms, areas, secrets and surprises, moderately difficult for non-experts, so not so easy for me, a mere amateur. ================================================================= Additional Credits to : My son Robert for his advice and testing, and to those who took the time to create and improve the editors. ================================================================= * Play Information * Episode and Level # : MAP02 Single Player : Yes (Tested on Medium and Easy levels) Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes (not Tested) Deathmatch 2-4 Player : No Difficulty Settings : Easy, Medium, Hard New Sounds : No New Graphics : No New Music : No Demos Replaced : None * Construction * Base : None. Editor(s) used : DETH 2.65 and WARM 1.3 Known Bugs : None Design Time : Yes there was some, don't know how much though, days? * Misc. Notes * Called punchit because you would be well advised to do that in the first room. I started this level because I wanted to see how many demons I could kill by punching, it's a lot if you have a wall to your back and each side! The level just grew from there into a medium size. The way out of some of the rooms is not always obvious, keep looking. The story? Well... you have to clear each area or room and kill all the monsters then use the exit. Thin stuff eh? OK how about... you awake to find yourself on the planet Cybplonker with only a leotard, pistol, fists and brains to find the master demon, get past his protective barrier of lesser monsters (and stuff) while solving all the puzzles he/she has set to keep you away. Suddenly you remember that someone has removed your head and put it in a pile of skulls or on the end of a pole. Only animal cunning and deadly weapons can save you, now you're in trouble..... I prefer the first story. Enjoy. * Copyright / Permissions * None, you can do whatever you like with it (except sell it for gain) but I would appreciate this text file being included in any postings or collections of wads. One reason is that wads of higher levels are hard to warp to if they have no text file and you have no easy way of reading the them. If you really want to you can use this as a base but it's much more fun creating your own from scratch If you use it for a base I would appreciate a copy of your amended wad or an E-Mail as to where I can get it from, e.g. Internet or CIS. * Warnings * These files have been virus checked using S&S International's Dr Solomons Toolkit for DOS V7.15, so there should be no problem. However if not in their original form or passed around from any other source than CIS or the better Internet sites it is remotely possible that a virus may have been attached. Check them out! I cannot accept any resonsibility at all for these files, so there!