* General Information * ======================================================================= Title : Portol Author : Andrew A. Fritz Email Address : 75313.3267@compuserv.com (internet) 75313,3267 (compuserve) This address is not mine, it's a friend's, I'm the only person in the world who doesn't have an Internet Access. He will forward it to me. Additional Credits to : Jason Johns, playtesting, music, and Email address. Map 01 Description : This is a Wad designed for coopertive or individual. Points of Interest : ??? You tell me. * Play Information * ====================================================================== Episode and Level # : Doom2, MAP01 Single Player : Not to hard, not to easy Cooperative 2-4 Player : What else is there Deathmatch 2-4 Player : THERE ARE NO DEATHMATCH STARTS!! Difficulty Settings : Not implemented, I design wads for real men (and woman), it is as hard as it is. New Sounds : No New Graphics : No New Music : No * Construction * ====================================================================== Base : New levels from scratch Build Time : About 1 week. Programs used : DCK 2.2 and WinTex Known Bugs : None that I know of but email me if you find any. * Copyright / Permissions * ======================================================================= Authors may use this level as a base to build additional levels. You may distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file.