============================================================================== MYSAW.WAD Graphics Patch ============================================================================== This is a simple graphics patch that replaces the chainsaw from DOOM/DOOMII with a reasonable facsimile of my Husqvarna 272xp. (Stihl fans, please be patient. If this goes over I may try a patch of an 064 next. :-) I figured a real badass space marine doesn't need to worry about kickback when he's hacking up monsters, so I did away with the chainbrake. I also "loosened the chain", added a "green weenie" air filter, and a wrap around handlebar for maximum carnage. I've replaced the titlepic and the ending text page with variations on the chainsaw theme. I replaced the skull-selector with a cute little running Husky. I wanted to add more realistic chainsaw sounds, but they kept coming out too fast, etc... despite the fact that I followed the rules. I've got some awesome sounds thanks to the guys at Cloud Nine sound studio in Chico, CA. If there is enough support for the patch, I may try again later. Suggestions are welcome. I've spent a lot of time writing Sawsetup.bat to read this textfile, add the sprites, play the wad, restore the wad to save space, and purge your system of all Mysaw.wad files in case you don't like it. (As if!) ************************* System Requirements ******************************** If you can run DOOM/Ultimate Doom/DOOMII on your machine, Mysaw.wad should be playable. It plays well on my 486DX-2 66 w/only 4 megs of RAM. (I use the multiple configuration menu instead of a boot disk, try it!) You will need to have 4+ megs of Hard drive space available to create a playable Mysaw.wad for DOOMII, and 2+ megs available to make Mysaw.wad for DOOM. (I Dunno about U_D) You'll need to have Dos 6.* or higher if you want to use the easy setup/play menu because it calls choice.com, a little dos utility that allows you to enter a choice into a batch file. I will not distribute this utility, as it's probably copyrighted. I "archied" for it and found a Spanish copy at csg.uwaterloo.ca in the /pub/dmg/tex/disco0 directory. It worked fine w/this batch file. If you can't find choice.com you can add the sprites and play the wad manually by typing fsued -app mysaw.wad to add the sprites, and doom -file mysaw.wad to play the wad. (Fsued is Deusf, renamed so I won't delete any copies accidently) Graphic wad authors can feel free to use this batch file as a template. (If you like it.) I don't know how many times I've wished an author had thought about what a mess he was making of my DOOM dir. ************************ Making "Permanent" Changes ************************** This pwad WILL NOT change your original DOOM/DOOMII wad file. If you want to patch the Iwad with these graphics, I suggest Tic's Nwt. (Please read the text file first and MAKE A BACKUP!) Here's a list of what must be replaced: Images Raw ====== ===== SAWGA0 TITLEPIC ENDOOM SAWGB0 M_SKULL1 SAWGC0 M_SKULL2 SAWGD0 CSAWA0 I doubt if there are many DOOMers out there who can't live w/o this patch. I know it won't be the end all of graphics patches. What it does offer though is increased realism for those who care, and easy installation/removal for those who just want to check it out. It will also increase your visibility, as it's smaller in size (and weight;-) than the original. This archive contains: Mysaw.wad -Skeletal .Wad file Mysaw.txt -This text file Sawsetup.bat -Easy Setup/Run program Fsued.exe -DeuSf renamed to avoid problems *************************** Pwad Information ********************************* Title : Mysaw Filename : Mysaw.wad Author : Icarus Email Address : icarus@ecst.csuchico.edu Misc. Author Info : Ex-logger, now a law student ;-) Description : Graphics patch that uses DeuSF to replace that ugly chain saw with a suped-up Husqvarna 272xp! Tools used : NWT103 -extraction/insertion of sprites/sounds Deusf -insertion of sprites at site Neopaint3.0 -Image editing PSP3.0 -Image editing Additional Credits to : My wife for putting up with countless hours of tweaking w/these pix More Kudos to : Id for DOOMI/DOOMII, TIC and Olivier Montenuy for NWT, and DeuSF, respectively. Raphael Quinet and Richard Ward for advice, Bruce at Cloud Nine Studio in Chico, CA. for the sounds (see below). *************************** Play Information ********************************* Game : DOOM, Ultimate DOOM, or DOOMII Episode and Level # : N/A Single Player : Yes Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes Difficulty Settings : Yes New Sounds : No, gave up after getting garbled sounds, despite proper sample rates. New Graphics : Yes, I've replaced all of the Chain Saw Sprites, the titlepic and the endoom text page. I've also replaced the skull-selecter with a cute little chainsaw that "works." New Music : No Demos Replaced : No *************************** Construction ************************************* Base : New Graphics *almost* from scratch. (I used the original player's hands and part of the bar/chain.) Editor(s) used : NWT v3.0, DeuSF v3.5 Known Bugs : None (If saw is invisible,"Create a Playable Wad"#2) ************************ Copyright / Permissions ***************************** Anyone who wants to do so may use this graphics patch on their own Registered copy of DOOMI or DOOMII. Use at your own risk. I will not be held responsible for damages of any kind. Authors MAY use this patch in their own wads ONLY with my prior approval and only if credit is given. (Just ask. I'm easy :-) You MAY distribute this WAD free of charge, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may NOT distribute this file FOR PROFIT in any electronic format without my express written permission. ************************ Where to get this WAD ******************************* FTP sites: ftp.cdrom.com and it's mirror sites