The Lmp Fiddler Version 1.3 By Ryan Robinson ( 9/30/1995 Description: Lets you modify The lmp headers to change -Game Version -Skill -Episode -Map Number -Mode (Deathmatch, Altdeath, Co-op) -Respawn -Fast -Nomonsters -Viewpoint -Which players are present Also displays size, duration, and gametics. This is fully supportive of both "families" of lmp's (i.e. pre and post 1.4) You can convert between the families except where levels have changed, etc. Bug fixes since version 1.2: -You can now save changes in the original source file rather than needing to copy to a new file every time. -Not nearly as picky at command line parameters. You can use files with any extension, or even ones with no extension. It automatically adds ".lmp" if no extension is given. Just add a "." at the end of filenames for files with no extension. -Better organized display. -Now says skill, viewer, etc. rather than just numbers. -Now displays duration to the hundredth of a second. Whoopee. Usage syntax: lmp Source file: The lmp file to modify/copy/view Target file: The new lmp file to be created -edit: saves changes in source file -v just to view info (same as if you just put the source file) Please note: -edit will not work when converting to pre-1.4 from post-1.4. You probably will never need to convert to pre 1.4, but if you do, you will have to specify a different target file because the lmp would end up having two end bytes. (#128 or €) I don't know if this will mess up Doom, however. Please mail if you find any bugs or have any suggestions! ( Special thanks to: Id for Doom! Matthew S. Fell for the Unofficial Doom Specs! Where to get this file: and others As always, you can find this and all my latest doom stuff at: