Hi, This WAD file was created with DEU5.0. It is NOT complete. However, all that is lacking is choosing better textures, making some doors pegged and/or unpegged, and moving the exit to a harder place. I also plan to add a few more traps and a couple of secrets. I havent gotten around to that yet, because I was more worried about eliminating the Hall of Mirrors. Seems DOOM can't easily allow you to look across more than X number of sectors without generating hall of mirrors. X is maybe 15-20? I dunno. I put up big walls between my mountain sectors and it is 95% blur free. In about 2 days, I'll put the spiffed up version out, but for now I'd appreciate any comments. It replaces Epi 2 Mis 1, but I'll probably change that to something else. Also, it has 4 player starts (1-4) and 8 deathmatch spots, and should be fun for that. Description: Wide open plains, high cliffs, 3 big mountains (some not easily climbable, obscuring forests, a couple of traps, dark hallways, planks to leap from, lots of long distance views, lotsa monsters just running around like chickens with their heads cut off. I dont mean that there are LOTS of monsters, just that they are all out in the plain and can follow you pretty much anywhere. I avoided putting doors other than the 3 card key exit doors, simply to make it easy for the monsters to go anywhere quickly. I may change a lot about it in the next day or 2 (notable more monsters and or traps, more cliff entrances and secret tunnels will be added and maybe more cliff overhangs, but I dont want to overdo it. Comments are welcome. Lewis Beard lewis@c2d2e2.wes.army.mil